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Gore, Catherine. Sketches of English Character. R. Bentley, 1846, 2 vols.
Gore, Catherine. Stokeshill Place; or, The Man of Business. H. Colburn, 1837, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Banker’s Wife; or, Court and City. H. Colburn, 1843, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Bond. John Murray, 1824.
Gore, Catherine. The Cabinet Minister. Richard Bentley, 1839, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Diary of a Désennnyée. H. Colburn, 1836, 2 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Dowager; or, The New School for Scandal. R. Bentley, 1840, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Fair of May Fair. H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1832, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Hamiltons, or the New Æra. Saunders and Otley, 1834, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Hamiltons; or, Official Life in 1830. R. Bentley and H. Colburn, 1831.
Gore, Catherine. The Hamiltons; or, Official Life in 1830. R. Bentley, 1850.
Gore, Catherine. The Lettre de Cachet; and, The Reign of Terror. J. Andrews, 1827.
Gore, Catherine. The Maid of Croissey; or, Theresa’s Vow. J. Dicks, 1835.
Gore, Catherine. The Miseries of Marriage; or, The Fair of May Fair. E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1834, 2 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Money-Lender. H. Colburn, 1843, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Opera, a Novel. Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1832, 3 vols.
Bernhard, Carl. The Queen of Denmark. Editor Gore, Catherine, Translator St Aubain, Andreas Nicolai de, Henry Colburn, 1846, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine et al. The Queen’s Champion. J. Dicks, 1886.
Gore, Catherine. The Rose Fanciers’ Manual. H. Colburn, 1838.
Gore, Catherine. The Sketch Book of Fashion. R. Bentley, 1833, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Soldier of Lyons. A Tale of the Tuileries. R. Bentley, 1841.
Gore, Catherine. The Story of a Royal Favourite. H. Colburn, 1845, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Story of a Royal Favourite. Harper and Brothers, 1864.
Gore, Catherine. The Tuileries. H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1831, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Two Aristocracies. Hurst and Blackett, 1857, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. The Two Broken Hearts. J. Andrews, 1823.
Gore, Catherine. The Woman of the World. H. Colburn, 1838, 3 vols.
Gore, Catherine. Theresa Marchmont; or, the Maid of Honour. J. Andrews, 1824.
Gore, Catherine. Women as They Are; or, The Manners of the Day. H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830, 3 vols.
Gore-Booth, Eva. A Psychological and Poetic Approach to the Study of Christ in the Fourth Gospel. Longmans, 1923.
Gore-Booth, Eva. Broken Glory. Maunsel, 1917.
Gore-Booth, Eva. Poems. Longmans, 1898.
Gore-Booth, Eva. Poems of Eva Gore-Booth. Editor Roper, Esther, Longmans, 1929.
Gore-Booth, Eva, and Constance, Countess Markievicz. The Death of Fionavar from The Triumph of Maeve. Erskine MacDonald, 1916.
Gore-Booth, Eva. The Egyptian Pillar. Maunsel, 1907.
Gore-Booth, Eva. The One and the Many. Longmans, Green, 1904.
Gore-Booth, Eva. The Plays of Eva Gore-Booth. Editor Lapisardi, Frederick S., EMText, 1991.
Gore-Booth, Eva. The Sword of Justice. Headley Brothers, 1918.
Gore-Booth, Eva. The Three Resurrections; and, The Triumph of Maeve. Longmans, Green, 1905.
Gore-Booth, Eva, editor. Urania. Privately printed.
Goreau, Angeline. “These Women Seduced By Wit”. New York Times, 9 Mar. 2003, p. Section 2: 7.
Gorham, Deborah. Vera Brittain: A Feminist Life. Blackwell, 1996.
Goring, Edward. “A Delaney Play Has Folded”. Daily Mail, 15 Oct. 1960.
Goring, Edward. “What a Difference a Year Makes”. Daily Mail, 9 Oct. 1959.
Goring, Rosemary, editor. Larousse Dictionary of Writers. Larousse, 1994.
Gorman, Herbert. “The Battle Over D. H. Lawrence”. The New York Times, 14 May 1933, p. BR2.
Gorman, Janet. “Supernatural”. Mslexia, No. 25, Apr. 2005, p. 52.
Gornick, Vivian. “Hiding in plain sight”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 2, Nov. 2002, pp. 6-7.
Gosling, Gilly. “Launch of a new collection of poetry, written by Gillian Allnutt and clients of the North East branch of the Medical Victims of Torture Foundation”. Gallery North. Northumbria University, 16 Feb. 2010.
Goss, John. emails to Orlando about Elizabeth Pipe Wolferstan.