Gilbert, Olive, editor. Narrative of Sojourner Truth. Arno Press, 1968.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Gilbert, Pam, 1946 -. Coming Out From Under: Contemporary Australian Women Writers. Pandora, 1988.
Gilbert, Pamela K. “Ouida and the other New Woman”. Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question, edited by Nicola Diane Thompson, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 170-88.
Gilbert, R. A., and Florence Farr. “Preface to the Collectanea Hermetica Series”. Egyptian Magic, Aquarian Press, 1982, p. vi.
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, No. 6, Mar. 2003, pp. 1-4. Gilbert, Sandra M. “From Patria to Matria: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Risorgimento”. PMLA, Vol.
, No. 2, Mar. 1984, pp. 194-11. Gilbert, Sandra M. et al. “Introduction: A Tarantella of Theory”. The Newly Born Woman, translated by. Betsy Wing and Betsy Wing, University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. No Man’s Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century. Yale University Press, 1988.
Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic. Yale University Press, 1984.
Gilbert, Sarah. “Bernice Rubens”. Cardiff University Magazine, Vol.
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Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck, and Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan. The Mikado. 1885.
Gilbert, W.S., and W.S. Gilbert. “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern”. Foggerty’s fairy : and other tales, George Routledge and Sons, 1890, pp. 349-66,
Gilbey, Ryan. “Putting the Manifesto before the Movie”. London Review of Books, 31 Oct. 2002, pp. 34-5.
Gildea, Robert. Barricades and Borders: Europe 1800-1914. Oxford University Press, 1987.
Gilderdale, Betty. The Seven Lives of Lady Barker. Canterbury University Press, 2009.
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, May 1784, p. 263. Gilding, Elizabeth. “Monody”. Westminster Magazine, Vol.
, Jan. 1785, p. 48. Gilding, Elizabeth. The Breathings of Genius. W. Faden, 1776.
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, Mar. 1783, p. 157. Gildon, Charles. A Comparison Between the Two Stages. Editor Wells, Staring B., Princeton University Press; Oxford University Press, 1942.
Gildon, Charles, editor. A New Miscellany of Original Poems, on Several Occasions. Peter Buck and George Strahan, 1701.
Gilfillan, George. “Female Authors No. I.—Mrs. Hemans”. Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, June 1847, pp. 359-63. Gilfillan, George. “Female Authors—No. II. Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning”. Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, Sept. 1847, pp. 620-5. Gilfillan, George, and Janet Hamilton. “Janet Hamilton: Her Life and Poetical Character”. Poems, Sketches, and Essays, James Maclehose, 1885, pp. 1-13.
Gill, A. A. “Help, doctor, I can’t feel a thing”. Sunday Times, 28 July 2002, p. Culture 13.
Gill, Catie. Women in the Seventeenth-Century Quaker Community. Ashgate, 2005.
Gill, E. R. “Eight Republics”. Times Literary Supplement, Vol.
, 20 Apr. 1933, p. 226. Gill, Stephen. William Wordsworth. A Life. Clarendon, 1989.
Gillen, Mollie. The Wheel of Things. Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1975.
Gillespie, Katharine. “A Hammer in Her Hand: The Separation of Church from State and the Early Feminist Writings of Katherine Chidley”. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, Vol.
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Gillespie, Michael Patrick. Oscar Wilde: Life, Work and Criticism. York Press, 1990.
Gillespie, Stuart. “Another Pindaric Ode: ’To the Pious Memory of Mrs. Ann Killigrew’”. Restoration, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 1996, pp. 31-5. Ham, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. Elizabeth Ham, by Herself, 1783-1820, edited by Eric Gillett, Faber and Faber, 1945, pp. 5-12.
Gillett, Eric, and Maria Jane Jewsbury. “Maria Jane Jewsbury: A Memoir”. Maria Jane Jewsbury: Occasional Papers, Oxford University Press, 1932, p. xiii - lxvii.
Gillett, Paula. Musical Women in England, 1870-1914. St Martin’s Press, 2000.
Gilley, Keith. “The ministry of women”. The Guardian, 25 Sept. 2004, p. 29.
Gilley, Sheridan. “The Church of England in the Nineteenth Century”. A History of Religion in Britain, edited by Sheridan Gilley and William J. Sheils, Blackwell, 1994, pp. 291-05.
Gillingham, John. “The Early Middle Ages (1066-1290)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 104-65.
Gillis, John R. For Better, For Worse: British Marriages, 1600 to the Present. Oxford University Press, 1985.
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Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, editor. Forerunner. Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
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Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. His Religion and Hers: A Study of the Faith of Our Fathers and the Work of Our Mothers. Century Co., 1923.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. “In Duty Bound”. Woman’s Journal, No. 15, Woman’s Journal, 12 Jan. 1884, p. 14.