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Gaffin, Jean et al. “Women and Cooperation”. Women in the Labour Movement: The British Experience, edited by Lucy Middleton, Croom Helm, 1977, pp. 113-42.
Gagnier, Regenia. Subjectivities: A History of Self-Representation in Britain, 1832-1920. Oxford University Press, 1991.
Gailey, Nerissa. “Strange Bedfellows”. Journal of Homosexuality, Vol.
, No. 12, 2017, pp. 1713-30,
Gaither, Mary E., and J. Howard Woolmer. “The Hogarth Press: 1917-1938”. A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 1917-1938, Hogarth Press, 1976, pp. 3-24.
Cornford, John, and Frances Cornford. “Chronology and Introduction”. Understand the Weapon, Understand the Wound, edited by Jonathan Galassi, Carcanet New Press, 1976, pp. 9-17.
Galbraith,. “Drift of London Literary Gossip”. New York Times, 28 Nov. 1908.
Galbraith,. “Things Literary in London Gossip”. New York Times, 21 Mar. 1908.
Galchinsky, Michael. The Origin of the Modern Jewish Woman Writer. Wayne State University Press, 1996.
Gale, Maggie B. West End Women: Women and the London Stage, 1918-1962. Routledge, 1996.
Gale, Robert L. A Henry James Encyclopedia. Greenwood, 1989.
Gallagher, Catherine. The Body Economic. Princeton University Press, 2006.
Gallagher, Catherine. The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction: Social Discourse and Narrative Form 1832-1867. University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Gallagher, Edward Joseph et al. Jules Verne: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography. G. K. Hall, 1980.
Gallant, Mavis. “‘The Life of the Writer’”. Margaret Laurence Lecture, Writers’ Trust of Canada, 1988.
Gallant, Mavis, and Mavis Gallant. “An Introduction”. Home Truths, Macmillan of Canada, 1981, p. xi - xxii.
Gallant, Mavis. Home Truths. Macmillan of Canada, 1981.
Gallant, Mavis. “In Youth Is Pleasure”. The New Yorker, 24 Nov. 1975, pp. 46-54.
Gallant, Mavis. “Madeline’s Birthday”. The New Yorker, Condé Nast, 1 Sept. 1951, pp. 20-24.
Gallant, Mavis. “Orphan’s Progress”. The New Yorker, Condé Nast, 3 Apr. 1965, pp. 49-51.
Gallant, Mavis. Paris Notebooks: Essays & Reviews. Macmillan, 1986.
Gallant, Mavis, and Mavis Gallant. “Preface”. The Selected Stories of Mavis Gallant, McClelland & Stewart, 1996, p. ix - xix.
Gallant, Mavis. “The Hunger Diaries”. The New Yorker, 9 July 2012.
Gallant, Mavis. The Pegnitz Junction. Random House, 1973.
Gallant, Roy A. Charles Darwin: The Making of a Scientist. Doubleday, 1972.
Galligan, Francesca. “The Personal Archive of William Henry Fox Talbot”. Bodleian Library Friends’ Newsletter, 2012, p. 2.
Gallix, Andrew. “The Unmapped Country: Stories & Fragments by Ann Quin—review”., 12 Jan. 2018.
Gallligan, Francesca. “Giles Hudson, Angelina Acland: First Lady of Colour PhotographyBodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 2, Oct. 2013, pp. 177-9.
Gallop, Rodney Alexander. “Ruined Churches of Mexico”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1936, 11 Mar. 1939, p. 146.
Gallouet, Catherine. “Deux soeurs: Moll et Marianne”. Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (CSECS) Conference, Quebec City, QC.
Galloway, Janice, editor. “Best Scottish Poems 2006”. Poetry Online, 2006.
Gallup, Donald Clifford. T.S. Eliot: A Bibliography. Rev. and extended ed., Harcourt, Brace, 1969.
Gallup, Donald Clifford, editor. The Flowers of Friendship: Letters Written to Gertrude Stein. Alfred Knopf, 1953.
Galsworthy, John. A Man of Devon. W. Blackwood and Sons, 1901.
Galsworthy, John. Escape. Duckworth, 1926.
Galsworthy, John, and Gladys Henrietta Schütze. “Foreword”. Mrs. Fischer’s War, 1930, p. 7.
Galsworthy, John. From the Four Winds. T. Fisher Unwin, 1897.
Galsworthy, John. In Chancery. William Heinemann, 1920.
Galsworthy, John. Jocelyn. Duckworth and Co., 1898.
Galsworthy, John. Justice. Duckworth, 1910.
Galsworthy, John. Loyalties. Duckworth, 1922.
Galsworthy, John. Strife. Duckworth, 1910.
Galsworthy, John. Swang Song. William Heinemann, 1928.
Galsworthy, John. The Island Pharisees. William Heinemann, 1904.
Galsworthy, John. The Man of Property. Heinemann, 1906.
Galsworthy, John. The Silver Box. Duckworth, 1910.
Galsworthy, John. The Skin Game. Duckworth, 1920.
Galsworthy, John. The White Monkey. William Heinemann, 1924.
Galsworthy, John. To Let. William Heinemann, 1921.
Galt, John, editor. The New British Theatre. Valpy, 1815, 4 vols.
Galton, Father Charles S. J., and Mary Angela Dickens. “Preface”. Sanctuary, R & T Washbourne, Ltd. , 1916, p. vii - ix.