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Calderwood, Margaret. “L’envoi”. Letters and Journals, edited by Alexander Fergusson, David Douglas, 1884, pp. 353-78.
Calderwood, Margaret. “To the Reader; Introductory Chapter”. Letters and Journals, edited by Alexander Fergusson, David Douglas, 1884, p. vii - lviii.
Fern, Fanny. “Fanny Ford: A Story of Everyday Life”. New York Ledger, 1855.
Fern, Fanny. Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Portfolio. Milner.
Fern, Fanny, and Birket Foster. Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Portfolio. Ingram, Cooke, 1853.
Fern, Fanny. Rose Clark. Mason Brothers, 1856.
Fern, Fanny. Ruth Hall. Penguin, 1997.
Feroli, Teresa, and Lady Eleanor Douglas. “Introduction”. Eleanor Davies, Ashgate, 2000, p. ix - xii.
Ferrall, Charles. “Suffragists, Egoists and the Politics of Early Modernism”. English Studies in Canada, Vol.
, No. 4, Dec. 1992, pp. 433-46.
Ferrante, Joan M. “Correspondent: ’Blessed Is the Speech of Your Mouth’”. Voice of the Living Light: Hildegard of Bingen and Her World, edited by Barbara Newman, University of California Press, 1998, pp. 91-109.
Ferrar, Nicholas, and Emily Cruwys Sharland. The Story Books of Little Gidding. Seeley, 1899.
Harriman, W. Averell. The Twentieth Century: An Almanac. Editors Ferrell, Robert H. and John S. Bowman, World Almanac Publications, 1985.
Ferres, Timothy William. “Carrowdore Castle”. Lord Belmont in Northern Ireland, 27 Aug. 2016.
Ferrier, Susan. Destiny. Robert Cadell; Whittaker, 1831.
Ferrier, Susan. Marriage. William Blackwood; John Murray, 1818, 3 vols.
Ferrier, Susan, and John Ferrier. Memoir and Correspondence of Susan Ferrier, 1782-1854. Editor Doyle, John Andrew, J. Murray, 1898.
Ferrier, Susan, and John Ferrier. Memoir and Correspondence of Susan Ferrier, 1782-1854. Editor Doyle, John Andrew, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson, 1929.
Ferrier, Susan. The Inheritance. W. Blackwood; T. Cadell, 1824.
Ferris, Ina. William Makepeace Thackeray. Twayne, 1983.
Ferris, Natalie. “Christine Brooke-Rose: the great British experimentalist you’ve never heard of”. The Guardian, 23 Mar. 2012.
Ferry, Emma. “Home and Away: Domesticity and Empire in the work of Lady Barker”. Women’s History Magazine, No. 54, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2006, pp. 4-12.
Ferry, John William. A History of the Department Store. Macmillan, 1960.
Fetherling, Dale. Mother Jones the Miners’ Angel: A Portrait. Southern Illinois University Press, 1974.
Fetterley, Judith. “"Checkmate": Elizabeth Stuart Phelpss The Silent PartnerLegacy: A Journal of American Women Writers, Vol.
, 1986, pp. 17-29.
Fiaher, Herbert Albert Laurens. “Keigwin’s Rebellion”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 761, 17 Aug. 1916, p. 387.
Fidelia,. “Fidelia to Sylvanus Urban”. The Gentleman’s Magazine, Vol.
, Mar. 1735, p. 159.
Fidelia,. “To the Gentleman who offer’d 50 Pounds . . . ”. The Gentleman’s Magazine, Vol.
, Sept. 1734, p. 508.
Field, Andrew. Djuna: The Formidable Miss Barnes. University of Texas, 1985.
Field, Edward. “Edward Field’s Introduction”. Letters to a Friend, 2012, p. xi - xx.
Field, Michael. A Question of Memory. Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1893.
Field, Michael. A Selection From the Poems of Michael Field. Editors Sturgeon, Mary and Thomas Sturge Moore, Poetry Bookshop.
Field, Michael. Anna Ruina. D. Nutt, 1899.
Field, Michael. Attila, My Attila!. Elkin Mathews, 1896.
Field, Michael. Bellerophôn. Kegan Paul, 1881.
Field, Michael. Borgia. A. H. Bullen, 1905.
Field, Michael. Brutus Ultor. G. Bell and Sons; J. Baker and Son, 1886.
Field, Michael. Callirrhoë; Fair Rosamund. Henry Holt, 1884.
Field, Michael. Callirrhoë; Fair Rosamund. G. Bell and Sons; J. Baker and Son, 1884.
Field, Michael. Dedicated: An Early Work of Michael Field. G. Bell and Sons, 1914.
Field, Michael. Deirdre; A Question of Memory; Ras Byzance. Poetry Bookshop, 1918.
Field, Michael. In the Name of Time. Poetry Bookshop, 1919.
Field, Michael. Julia Domna. Hacon and Ricketts, 1903.
Field, Michael. Long Ago. G. Bell and Sons, 1889.
Field, Michael. Mystic Trees. Eveleigh Nash, 1913.
Field, Michael. Noontide Branches. Printed by Henry Daniel, 1899.
Field, Michael. Poems of Adoration. Sands, 1912.
Field, Michael. Queen Mariamne. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1908.
Field, Michael. Sight and Song. Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1892.
Field, Michael. Sight and Song; with, Underneath the Bough. Editors Thornton, R. K. R. and Ian Small, Woodstock Books, 1993.
Field, Michael. The Father’ Tragedy; William Rufus; Loyalty or Love?. G. Bell and Sons; J. Baker and Son, 1885.