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Fane, Violet. Sophy. Hurst and Blackett, 1881, 3 vols.
Fane, Violet. The Edwin and Angelina Papers. World Office, 1878.
Fane, Violet. “The Feast of Kebobs”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, No. 1062, Apr. 1904, pp. 459-82.
Fane, Violet. The Queen of the Fairies. Chapman and Hall, 1876.
Fane, Violet. The Story of Helen Davenant. Chapman and Hall, 1889, 3 vols.
Fane, Violet. Thro’ Love and War. Hurst and Blackett, 1886, 3 vols.
Fane, Violet. Two Moods of a Man. John C. Nimmo, 1901.
Fane, Violet. Under Cross and Crescent. John C. Nimmo, 1896.
Fanshawe, Ann, Lady. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe. Editor Nicholas, Sir Nicholas Harris, H. Colburn, 1829.
Fanshawe, Ann, Lady. The Memoirs of Ann, Lady Fanshawe. Editor Fanshawe, Herbert Charles, John Lane, 1907.
Fanshawe, Ann, Lady et al. “The Memoirs of Ann, Lady Fanshawe”. The Memoirs of Anne, Lady Halkett, and Ann, Lady Fanshawe, edited by John Loftis and John Loftis, Clarendon Press, 1979, pp. 101-92.
Fanshawe, Catherine. Memorials of Miss Catherine Maria Fanshawe. Editor Harness, William, Privately printed by Vacher and Sons, 1865.
Fanshawe, Catherine. Provision for a Family. Roake and Varty, 1830.
Fanshawe, Catherine. Speech of the Member for Odium. Roake & Varty, 1833.
Fanshawe, Catherine. The Literary Remains of Catherine Maria Fanshawe. Editor Harness, William, B. M. Pickering, 1876.
Fanshawe, Catherine, and George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron. “The Ænigma”. Three Poems, Not Included in the Works of Lord Byron, Effingham Wilson, 1818.
Fanthorpe, U. A. A Watching Brief. Peterloo Poets, 1987.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Collected Poems 1978-2003. Peterloo Poets, 2006.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Consequences. Peterloo Poets, 2000.
Fanthorpe, U. A. “Driving South”. Guardian Unlimited, 4 Feb. 2006.
Fanthorpe, U. A., and Rosemarie Bailey. From Me to You: Love Poems. Enitharmon Press, 2008.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Homing In: Selected Local Poems. Cyder Press, 2006.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Neck-Verse. Peterloo Poets, 1992.
Fanthorpe, U. A. “Observations of a Clerk”. Poetry Review, Vol.
, No. 3, Oct. 1985, p. 16.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Queuing for the Sun. Peterloo Poets, 2003.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Safe as Houses. Peterloo Poets, 1995.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Selected Poems. Peterloo Poets, 1986.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Side Effects. Peterloo Poets, 1978.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Standing To. Peterloo Poets, 1982.
Fanthorpe, U. A. Voices Off. Peterloo Poets, 1984.
Fardon, Richard. Mary Douglas: An Intellectual Biography. Routledge, 1999.
Farfan, Penny. “From Hedda Gabler to Votes for Women: Elizabeth Robins’s Early Feminist Critique of Ibsen”. Theatre Journal, Vol.
, No. 1, 1996, pp. 59-78.
Farhi, Paul. “The pens behind the politicians”. Guardian Weekly, 4 July 2013, p. 39.
Farington, Joseph. The Diary of Joseph Farington. Editors Garlick, Kenneth and Angus MacIntyre, Yale University Press, 1998, 16 vols.
Farjeon, Annabel. Morning has Broken: A Biography of Eleanor Farjeon. Julia MacRae, 1986.
Farjeon, Eleanor. A Nursery in the Nineties. Victor Gollancz, 1935.
Farjeon, Eleanor, and Elizabeth Orton Jones. A Prayer for Little Things. Houghton Mifflin, 1945.
Farjeon, Eleanor. Brave Old Woman. Michael Joseph, 1941.
Farjeon, Eleanor et al. Cherrystones. M. Joseph, 1942.
Farjeon, Eleanor. Dream-Songs for the Beloved. Orpheus Press, 1911.
Farjeon, Eleanor. Edward Thomas. Oxford University Press, 1958.
Farjeon, Eleanor. First and Second Love. Michael Joseph, 1947.
Farjeon, Eleanor et al. Floretta. Henderson and Spalding, 1899.
Farjeon, Eleanor. Humming Bird. Michael Joseph, 1936.
Farjeon, Eleanor, and Edward Ardizzone. Italian Peepshow. Oxford University Press, 1960.
Farjeon, Eleanor. Love Affair. Michael Joseph, 1947.
Farjeon, Eleanor. Magic Casements. G. Allen and Unwin, 1941.
Farjeon, Eleanor, and Charles Edmund Brock. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard. W. Collins Sons, 1921.
Farjeon, Eleanor, and MacDonald Gill. Nursery Rhymes of London Town. Duckworth, 1916.
Farjeon, Eleanor. Pan-Worship and Other Poems. E. Mathews, 1908.