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Flood, Alison. “Malorie Blackman faces racist abuse after call to diversify children’s books”., 26 Aug. 2014.
Flood, Alison. “MP faces copyright battle to put Anne Frank diary online”. Guardian Weekly, 4 Dec. 2015, p. 5.
Flood, Alison. “Penelope Lively and Kamila Shamsie curate women’s vote centenary reissues”. The Guardian, 24 Oct. 2017.
Flood, Alison. “Publisher Ether Books gives short stories new lease of life on an iPhone”. The Guardian, 19 Apr. 2010, p. 7.
Flood, Alison. “Publishers accused of losing plot on race”. The Guardian, 16 Apr. 2015, p. 3.
Flood, Alison. “Two faces of Britain’s thriller queen”. The Guardian Weekly, 29 Mar. 2013, p. 39.
Flood, Alison, and Benjamin Lee. “Ursula K Le Guin, sci-fi and fantasy author, dies aged 88”., 24 Jan. 2018.
Flood, Alison. “Watched plots . . . Hilary Mantel and the writers under pressure from fans”., 24 May 2019.
Flood, Alison. “What became of 2018 as the year of publishing women?”. The Guardian, 22 Jan. 2018.
Flood, Alison. “What Not: lost feminist novel that anticipated Brave New World finally finds its time”., 10 Dec. 2018.
Flood, Alison. ““Charles I’s ’message for the future’ discovered in poetry book”, gdn 5 July 2018”., 5 July 2018.
Flood, Alison. ““Vida survey of gender bias in literary criticism shows ’stubborn imbalance’”., 19 June 2018.
Fluhr, Nicole M. “Figuring the New Woman: Writers and Mothers in George Egerton’s Early Stories”. Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Vol.
, No. 3, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2001, pp. 243-66.
Flynn, Amanda. “Sweet and Sour Commodities: Nineteenth-Century Valentines in the John Johnson Collection of Ephemera”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 1, Apr. 2010, pp. 64-9.
Fodor, Nandor. “The Spirit Which Made a ’Talkie’”. These Mysterious People.
Fogarty, Anne. “Introduction”. Irish University Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar. 2004– 2025, p. viii - xiv.
Folbre, Nancy. “Socialism, Feminist and Scientific”. Beyond Economic Man: Feminist Theory and Economics, edited by Marianne A. Ferber and Julie A. Nelson, University of Chicago Press, 1993, pp. 94-110.
Folkenflik, David. “The birth of Fox News”. Salon,
Folkenflik, Robert. “Charlotte Charke: Images and Afterimages”. Introducing Charlotte Charke: Actress, Author, Enigma, edited by Philip E. Baruth, University of Illinois Press, 1998, pp. 137-61.
Foner, Eric. “I just get my pistol and shoot him right down”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 6, 22 Mar. 2018, pp. 25-6.
Foot, Jesse. The Lives of Andrew Robinson Bowes, Esq. and the Countess of Strathmore. Becket and Porter, and Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1810.
Foot, Michael, b. 1913. H. G.: The History of Mr. Wells. Counterpoint, 1995.
Thompson, William, and Anna Wheeler. “Introduction”. Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, edited by Michael, b. 1913 Foot and Marie Mulvey Roberts, Thoemmes, 1994.
Forbes, Curdella. “Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze”. Twenty-First Century "Black" Writers, Gale, 2009, pp. 84-94.
Forbes, Geraldine. Women in Modern India. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Forbes, Peter. “Review of The Poem and the Journey, by Ruth Padel”. The Independent, 2 Mar. 2007.
Forbes, Peter, editor. Scanning the Century. Viking, 1999.
Forbes, Rosita. A Fool’s Hell. T. Butterworth, 1923.
Forbes, Rosita. A Unicorn in the Bahamas. Jenkins, 1939.
Forbes, Rosita. Adventure. Cassell, 1928.
Forbes, Rosita. Appointment with Destiny. Cassell, 1946.
Forbes, Rosita. Conflict: Angora to Afghanistan. Cassell, 1931.
Forbes, Rosita. Eight Republics in Search of a Future. Cassell, 1933.
Forbes, Rosita. El Raisuni: the Sultan of the Mountains. Thornton Butterworth, 1924.
Forbes, Rosita. Forbidden Road—Kabul to Samarkand. Cassell, 1937.
Forbes, Rosita. From Red Sea to Blue Nile: Abyssinian Adventures. Cassell, 1925.
Forbes, Rosita. Gypsy in the Sun. Cassell, 1944.
Forbes, Rosita. India of the Princes. Gifford, 1939.
Forbes, Rosita. Islands in the Sun. Evans Brothers, 1949.
Forbes, Rosita. Quest. Cassell, 1922.
Forbes, Rosita. The Jewel in the Lotus. Cassell, 1922.
Forbes, Rosita. The Prodigious Caribbean: Columbus to Roosevelt. Cassell, 1940.
Forbes, Rosita. The Secret of the Sahara: Kufara. Cassell, 1921.
Forbes, Rosita. These Are Real People. Jenkins, 1937.
Forbes, Rosita. These Are Real People. E. P. Dutton and Co., 1939.
Forbes, Rosita. These Men I Knew. Hutchinson, 1940.
Forbes, Rosita. Unconducted Wanderers. John Lane, 1919.
Forbes, Rosita. Women Called Wild. Grayson and Grayson, 1935.
Forbes, Thomas Roger. The Midwife and The Witch. Yale University Press, 1966.
Ford, Boris, editor. A Guide for Readers to The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Penguin, 1984.