Elstob, Elizabeth. Some Testimonies of Learned Men. W. Bowyer, 1713.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Elstob, Elizabeth. The Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue. J. Bowyer and C. King, 1715.
Eltis, Sos. “The Fallen Woman in Edwardian Feminist Drama: Suffrage, Sex and the Single Girl”. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Jan. 2007, pp. 27-49. Elton, Oliver. A Survey of English Literature, 1830-1880. E. Arnold, 1920, 2 vols.
Elwin, Malcolm. Charles Reade. Russell and Russell, 1969.
Elwin, Malcolm. Landor, a Replevin. Macdonald, 1958.
Elwin, Malcolm. Lord Byron’s Wife. Macmillan, 1962.
Elwood, Anne Katharine. Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of England, from the Commencement of the Last Century. Henry Colburn, 1843, 2 vols.
Elwood, Anne Katharine. Narrative of a Journey Overland from England. Colburn and Bentley, 1830.
Elwood, Anne Katharine. Narrative of a Journey Overland from England. Cambridge University Press, 2010, 2 vols., http://www.cambridge.org/series/sSeries.asp?code=CLOR.
Emck, Katy. “Look Behind You”. Times Literary Supplement, 27 Nov. 1998, pp. 24-5.
Emecheta, Buchi. A Kind of Marriage. Macmillan, 1986.
Emecheta, Buchi. Destination Biafra. Allison and Busby, 1982.
Emecheta, Buchi. Destination Biafra. Heinemann, 1994.
Emecheta, Buchi. Double Yoke. Ogwugwu Afor, 1982.
Emecheta, Buchi. “Feminism with a Small ’f’!”. Criticism and Ideology: Second African Writers’ Conference, Stockholm 1986, edited by Kirsten Holst Petersen, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1988, pp. 173-85.
Emecheta, Buchi. Gwendolen. William Collins, 1989.
Emecheta, Buchi. Gwendolen. Heinemann, 1994.
Emecheta, Buchi. Head Above Water. Ogwugwu Afor, 1986.
Emecheta, Buchi. Head Above Water. Heinemann, 1994.
Emecheta, Buchi. In the Ditch. Barrie and Jenkins, 1972.
Emecheta, Buchi. Kehinde. Heinemann, 1994.
Emecheta, Buchi. Naira Power. Macmillan, 1982.
Emecheta, Buchi et al. Nowhere to Play. Allison and Busby, 1980.
Emecheta, Buchi. Second-Class Citizen. Allison and Busby, 1974.
Emecheta, Buchi. The Bride Price. Allison and Busby, 1976.
Emecheta, Buchi. The Joys of Motherhood. Allison and Busby, 1979.
Emecheta, Buchi. The Joys of Motherhood. Heinemann, 1980.
Emecheta, Buchi. The Moonlight Bride. Oxford University Press in association with University Press, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1980.
Emecheta, Buchi. The New Tribe. Heinemann, 2000.
Emecheta, Buchi. The Rape of Shavi. Ogwugwu Afor, 1983.
Emecheta, Buchi. The Slave Girl. Allison and Busby, 1977.
Emecheta, Buchi. The Wrestling Match. Oxford University Press in association with University Press, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1980.
Emecheta, Buchi et al. Titch the Cat. Allison and Busby, 1979.
Emeljanow, Victor. Victorian Popular Dramatists. Twayne, 1987.
Emerson, Everett. Mark Twain: A Literary Life. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. English Traits. G. Routledge, 1856.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, and Thomas Carlyle. Essays. James Fraser, 1841.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, and Thomas Carlyle. Essays: Second Series. J. Chapman, 1844.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Representative Men. John Chapman, 1850.
Emery, Jane. Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life. John Murray, 1991.
Empson, William. Milton’s God. Chatto and Windus, 1961, p. 280 pp.
Empson, William. Poems. Chatto and Windus, 1935, p. viii; 48 pp.
Empson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity. Chatto and Windus, 1930, p. 325 pp.
Empson, William. Some Versions of Pastoral. Chatto and Windus, 1935.
Empson, William. The Gathering Storm. Faber and Faber, 1940.
Empson, William. The Structure of Complex Words. Chatto and Windus, 1951.
Empson, William. Using Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1984.
Empson, William, 1791 - 1852. “Illustrations of Political Economy. Mrs. Marcet—Miss Martineau”. Edinburgh Review, Vol.
, Apr. 1833, pp. 1-39. Emsley, Clive. British Society and the French Wars, 1793-1815. Macmillan, 1979.