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Ellis, Hamilton. British Railway History: An Outline from the Accession of William IV to the Nationalisation of Railways 1830-1876. George Allen and Unwin, 1954.
Ibsen, Henrik. “Note”. The Pillars of Society and Other Plays, edited by Havelock Ellis, translated by. William Archer et al., Walter Scott, 1888, p. xxxi.
Ellis, John Eimeo. Life of William Ellis, Missionary to the South Seas and to Madagascar. 1873.
Ellis, Kenneth. The Post Office in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in Administrative History. Oxford University Press, 1958.
Ellis, Linda Abess. Frances Trollope’s America. Peter Lang, 1993.
Ellis, Richard. Ruth Ellis—an alternative view.
Ellis, Samantha. “Black Chiffon, London, May 1949”. Guardian Unlimited, 2 July 2003.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Family Secrets, or, Hints to those who would Make Home Happy. Fisher, 1841, 3 vols.
Ellis, William, 1794 - 1872. History of Madagascar. Editor Ellis, Sarah Stickney, Fisher, 1838, 2 vols.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Janet, One of Many. E. Faithfull, 1862.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Madagascar: Its Social and Religious Progess. J. Nisbet, 1863.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Pictures of Private Life. Smith, Elder, 1837, 3 vols.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Social Distinction; or, Hearts and Homes. Tallis, 1849, 3 vols.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Daughters of England. Fisher, 1842.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Daughters of England. D. Appleton, 1842.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Home Life and Letters of Mrs. Ellis. J. Nisbet, 1893.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The House of Prayer. 1846.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney, editor. The Morning Call: A Table Book of Literature and Art. Tallis, 4 vols.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Mother’s Mistake. Houlston and Stoneman, 1856.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Mothers of England. Fisher, 1843.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Negro Slave. Harvey and Darton, 1830.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Poetry of Life. Saunders and Otley, 1835, 2 vols.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Sons of the Soil. Fisher, 1840.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. “The Sons of The Soil”. Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, Mar. 1840, pp. 146-52.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Sons of the Soil, 1840.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Wives of England. Fisher, 1843.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Women of England. 4 ed., Fisher, 1839.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Women of England. Cambridge University Press, 2010,
Ellis, Sarah Stickney et al. “The Young Hindoo”. The Missionary; or, Christian’s New Year’s Gift, edited by William, 1794 - 1872 Ellis, 1833.
Ellis, Sir Henry, editor. Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. Camden Society, 1843.
Ellis, Stewart Marsh. George Meredith: His Life and Friends in Relation to His Work. Grant Richards, 1920.
Ellis, Stewart Marsh, and Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Baroness Lytton. “Introduction and Notes”. Unpublished Letters of Lady Bulwer Lytton to A.E. Chalon, R.A., Nash, 1914, pp. 9 - 26; various pages.
Ellis, Stewart Marsh. Wilkie Collins, Le Fanu, and Others. Books for Libraries Press, 1931.
Ellis-Peterson, Hannah. “India’s 1.3bn population locked down to beat coronavirus”. The Guardian,
Ellison, Julie. “Race and Sensibility in the Early Republic: Ann Eliza Bleecker and Sarah Wentworth Morton”. Subjects and Citizens, edited by Michael Moon and Cathy N. Davidson, Duke University Press, 1995, pp. 57-86.
Ellmann, Mary. “Women’s Work”. New York Review of Books, 1 Nov. 1973.
Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. New and Revised, Oxford University Press, 1982.
Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde. Viking, 1987.
Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde. Knopf, 1988.
Ellmann, Richard, editor. The Critic as Artist: Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde. Random House, 1969.
Ellmann, Richard. Yeats: The Man and the Masks. Faber and Faber, 1961.
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.
Ellwood, Wayne. “Co-ops offer a far better way to organize economic activity”. CCPA Monitor, Vol.
, No. 4, Sept. 2012, pp. 8-10.
Elphinstone, Margaret. “Willa Muir: Crossing the Genres”. A History of Scottish Women’s Writing, edited by Douglas Gifford and Dorothy McMillan, Edinburgh University Press, 1997, pp. 400-15.
Elson, Arthur, and Everett E. Truette. Woman’s Work in Music. L. C. Page, 1908.
Elson Roessler, Shirley. Out of the Shadows: Women and Politics in the French Revolution, 1789-95. Peter Lang, 1996.
Elstob, Elizabeth, and Charles Peake. An Apology for the Study of Northern Antiquities. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1956.
Ælfric, Abbot of Eynesham. An English-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory. Translator Elstob, Elizabeth, W. Bowyer, 1709.
Scudéry, Madeleine de. An Essay Upon Glory. Translator Elstob, Elizabeth, Printed for J. Morphew, 1708.
Elstob, Elizabeth, and George Ballard. “Notes”. Ballard MS 64.