Ehrengardt, Thibault. “Louise Labé, Head Corner Stone”. Rare Book Hub, Oct. 2015.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Smith, Charlotte. “Introduction”. The Old Manor House, edited by Anne Henry Ehrenpreis, Oxford University Press, 1969, p. v - xxx.
Smith, Charlotte. “Introduction”. Emmeline, the Orphan of the Castle, edited by Anne Henry Ehrenpreis, Oxford University Press, 1971.
Ehrenpreis, Irvin. Swift: the Man, his Works, and the Age. Harvard University Press, 1983, 3 vols.
Ehrsam, Theodore G. A Bibliography of Joseph Conrad. Scarecrow Press, 1969.
Eicke, Leigh. “’You that have borne the cause of Kings’: Anne Finch’s Jacobite Writing”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Eilenberg, Susan. “Complacent Bounty”. London Review of Books, 15 Dec. 2005, pp. 21-3.
Eilenberg, Susan. “Emily v. Mabel”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 13, 30 June 2011, pp. 3-8. Eilenberg, Susan. “Leaf, Button, Dog”. London Review of Books, 1 Nov. 2001, pp. 13-15.
Eilenberg, Susan. “With A, then B, then C”. London Review of Books, 5 Sept. 2002, pp. 3-8.
Eilersen, Gillian Stead. Bessie Head. 2nd edition, Wits University Press, 2007.
Eisen, Kurt. “Louise Page”. British Playwrights, 1956-1995. A Research and Production Source Book, edited by William W. Demastes, Greenwood Press, 1996, pp. 291-00.
Eisler, Benita, editor. The Lowell Offering. J. B. Lippincott, 1977.
El Saadawi, Nawal. “A ban on the niqab won’ end the injustices meted out to Egypt’s women”., 16 Oct. 2015.
El Saadawi, Nawal. A Daughter of Isis. Translator Hetata, Sherif, Zed, 1999.
El Saadawi, Nawal, and Nawal El Saadawi. “Afterword for the American edition”. Memoirs from the Women’s Prison, translated by. Marilyn Booth and Marilyn Booth, University of California Press, 1994, pp. 199-04.
El Saadawi, Nawal. Death of an Ex-Minister. Translator Eber, Shirley, Methuen, 1987.
El Saadawi, Nawal. Diary of a Child Called Souad. Editor Amin, Omnia, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
El Saadawi, Nawal. God Dies by the Nile. Translator Hetata, Sherif, Zed, 1985.
El Saadawi, Nawal. “In the Women’s Prison”. Index on Censorship, Vol.
, No. 4, 1985, pp. 36-8. El Saadawi, Nawal. Love in the Kingdom of Oil. Translators Hatim, Basil and Malcolm Williams, Saqi Books, 2001.
El Saadawi, Nawal. Memoirs from the Women’s Prison. Translator Booth, Marilyn, Women’s Press, 1986.
El Saadawi, Nawal. Memoirs of a Woman Doctor. Translator Cobham, Catherine, Saqi Books, 1988.
El Saadawi, Nawal. “New song of Egypt’s elite”., 26 Apr. 2011.
El Saadawi, Nawal. “New song of Egypt’s elite”., 26 Apr. 2011.
El Saadawi, Nawal. The Circling Song. Translator Booth, Marilyn, Zed, 1989.
El Saadawi, Nawal. The Fall of the Imam. Translator Hetata, Sherif, Methuen, 1988.
El Saadawi, Nawal. The Hidden Face of Eve. Translator Hetata, Sherif, Zed, 1980.
El Saadawi, Nawal. The Innocence of the Devil. Translator Hetata, Sherif, Methuen, 1994.
El Saadawi, Nawal. The Nawal El Saadawi Reader. Zed, 1997.
El Saadawi, Nawal. Two Women in One. Translators Nusairi, Osman and Jana Gough, Saqi Books, 1985.
El Saadawi, Nawal. Walking through Fire. Translator Hetata, Sherif, Zed, 2002.
El Saadawi, Nawal. Woman at Point Zero. Translator Hetata, Sherif, Zed, 1983.
Elaw, Zilpha. Memoirs of the Life, Religious Experience, Ministerial Travels and Labours of Mrs. Zilpha Elaw. published by the authoress, 1846.
Elbe, Lili. “Man Into Woman”. Lili Elbe Digital Archive, edited by Ernst Harthern, Lili Elbe Digital Archive,
Elbe, Lili, and Kristin Jacobsen. “My Letter”. Lili Elbe Digital Archive, translated by. Kristin Jacobsen and Maiken Boysen, Lili Elbe Digital Archive,
Elborough, Travis. “Hidden Corners: Park Life”. The London Library Magazine, No. 38, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 2017, pp. 18-21.
Electricity Council,. Electricity Supply in Great Britain: A Chronology. Electricity Council, 1973.
Elfenbein, Andrew. Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role. Columbia University Press, 1999.
Elfyn, Menna, editor. Trying The Line. Gomer.
Eliade, Mircea, and Charles J. Adams, editors. The Encyclopedia of Religion. Macmillan, 1987, 16 vols.
Elias, A. C., Jr. “A Manuscript of Constantia Grierson’s”. Swift Studies, Vol.
, 1987, pp. 33-56. Elias, A. C., Jr. “Editing Minor Writers: The Case of Laetitia Pilkington and Mary Barber”. 1659-1850 Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, Vol.
, 1997, pp. 129-47. Pilkington, Laetitia. “Introduction”. Memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington, edited by A. C., Jr Elias, University of Georgia Press, 1997, p. xv - lxii.
Elias, A. C., Jr. “Male Hormones and Women’s Wit: The Sex Appeal of Mary Goddard and Laetitia Pilkington”. Swift Studies, Vol.
, 1994, pp. 5-16. Elinor, Gillian. “Dorothy Brett’s Painting: From Bloomsbury to Taos”. Woman’s Art Journal, Vol.
, No. 2, Woman’s Art Inc., 1991, pp. 9-14. Eliot, George. Adam Bede. 1st ed., W. Blackwood, 1859, 3 vols.
Eliot, George. Daniel Deronda. W. Blackwood, 1876, 4 vols.
Eliot, George. Daniel Deronda. Editor Cave, Terence, Penguin, 1995.
Eliot, George. Essays of George Eliot. Editor Pinney, Thomas, Columbia University Press, 1963.