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Delaval, Elizabeth. The Meditations of Lady Elizabeth Delaval: Written Between 1662 and 1671. Editor Greene, Douglas G., Northumberland Press, 1978.
Dell, Ethel M. A Man Under Authority. Cassell, 1925.
Dell, Ethel M. Charles Rex. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1922.
Dell, Ethel M. Dona Celestis. Ernest Benn, 1933.
Dell, Ethel M. Honeyball Farm. Hutchinson, 1937.
Dell, Ethel M. Pullman. Ernest Benn, 1930.
Dell, Ethel M. Rosa Mundi. Cassell, 1921.
Dell, Ethel M. Sown among Thorns. Cassell, 1939.
Dell, Ethel M. Storm Drift. Hutchinson, 1930.
Dell, Ethel M. Tetherstones. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1923.
Dell, Ethel M. The Altar of Honour. Hutchinson, 1929.
Dell, Ethel M. The Black Knight. Cassell, 1926.
Dell, Ethel M. The Electric Torch. Cassell, 1934.
Dell, Ethel M. The Juice of the Pomegranate. Cassell, 1938.
Dell, Ethel M. The Knave of Diamonds. T. Fisher Unwin, 1913.
Dell, Ethel M. The Lamp in the Desert. Hutchinson, 1919.
Dell, Ethel M. The Obstacle Race. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1921.
Dell, Ethel M. The Odds. Cassell, 1922.
Dell, Ethel M. The Prison Wall. Cassell, 1932.
Dell, Ethel M. The Serpent in the Garden. Cassell, 1938.
Dell, Ethel M. The Silver Wedding. Hutchinson, 1931.
Dell, Ethel M. The Tidal Wave. Cassell, 1919.
Dell, Ethel M. The Top of the World. Cassell, 1920.
Dell, Ethel M. The Unknown Quantity. Hutchinson, 1924.
Dell, Ethel M. The Way of an Eagle. T. Fisher Unwin, 1912.
Dell, Ethel M. Verses. Hutchinson, 1923.
Dell, Ethel M. Where Three Roads Meet. Cassell, 1935.
Dell, Henry, editor. A Select Collection of the Psalms of David. Henry Dell, 1756.
Dell, Penelope. Nettie and Sissie. Hamish Hamilton, 1977.
Dellamora, Richard. Masculine Desire. University of North Carolina Press, 1990.
Delmar, Rosalind. “Rebellious Sisters”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 6, Nov.–Dec. 2012, pp. 25-6.
Demastes, William W., and Katherine E. Kelly, editors. British Playwrights, 1880-1956. Greenwood Press, 1996.
Demastes, William W., editor. British Playwrights, 1956-1995. Greenwood Press, 1996.
Demers, Patricia. “I could wish my tongue were as the pen of a ready writer: the Fragility of Hope in Elizabeth Majors Honey on the RodBunyan Studies, Vol.
, 1997, pp. 38-48.
Demers, Patricia, and Robert Gordon Moyles, editors. From Instruction to Delight: An Anthology of Children’s Literature to 1850. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Demers, Patricia. P.L. Travers. Twayne, 1991.
Demers, Patricia. “Penseroso Triptych: ’Eliza’, An Collins, Elizabeth Major”. Discovering and (Re)Covering the Seventeenth Century Religious Lyric, edited by Eugene R. Cunnar and Jeffrey Johnson, Duquesne University Press, 2001, pp. 185 - 204, 360.
Demers, Patricia. “The Seymour Sisters: Elegizing Female Attachment”. The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 1999– 2025, pp. 343-65.
Demers, Patricia. The World of Hannah More. University Press of Kentucky, 1996.
Demoor, Marysa. “Power in Petticoats: Augusta Webster’s Poetry, Political Pamphlets, and Poetry Reviews”. Voices of Power, edited by Marc Maufort and Jean-Pierre van Noppen, Université de Liège, 1997, pp. 133-40.
Demoor, Marysa. Their Fair Share. Ashgate, 2000.
Demoor, Marysa. “Women Poets as Critics in the Athenæum: Ungendered Anonymity Unmasked”. Nineteenth-Century Prose, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 51-71.
Dempsey, Judy. “Watching the watchmen watch—decades later”. Globe and Mail, 13 Aug. 2007, p. A11.
Dempster, Charlotte. Australian Beef and Mutton and How to Make the Best of Them. Edmonston and Douglas, 1872.
Dempster, Charlotte. Blue Roses. H. S. King, 1877, 2 vols.
Dempster, Charlotte. Essays. Smith, Elder, 1872.
Dempster, Charlotte. Iseulte. Smith, Elder, 1875.
Dempster, Charlotte, and Joseph, Jr Nash. Marjory’s Husband. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1889.
Dempster, Charlotte. Ninette. Hurst and Blackett, 1888.
Dempster, Charlotte. The Dance of the Hours. Methuen, 1893.