Delafield, E. M. Humbug. Hutchinson, 1921.
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Delafield, E. M., and Georgina Battiscombe. “Introduction”. Charlotte Mary Yonge: The Story of an Uneventful Life, Constable and Company, 1943, pp. 9-15.
Delafield, E. M. Jill. Hutchinson, 1926.
Delafield, E. M. Ladies and Gentlemen in Victorian Fiction. Hogarth Press, 1937.
Delafield, E. M. Late and Soon. Macmillan, 1943.
Delafield, E. M. Love Has No Resurrection, and Other Stories. Macmillan, 1939.
Delafield, E. M. Messalina of the Suburbs. Hutchinson, 1923.
Delafield, E. M. Mrs. Harter. Hutchinson, 1924.
Delafield, E. M. No One Now Will Know. Macmillan, 1941.
Delafield, E. M. Nothing Is Safe. Macmillan, 1937.
Delafield, E. M. People You Love. Collins, 1940.
Delafield, E. M. Straw Without Bricks. Macmillan, 1937.
Delafield, E. M. Tension. Hutchinson, 1920.
Delafield, E. M. Thank Heaven Fasting. Macmillan, 1932.
Delafield, E. M. The Bazalgettes. Hamish Hamilton, 1935.
Delafield, E. M. The Brontës: Their Lives Recorded by Their Contemporaries. Hogarth Press, 1935.
Delafield, E. M. The Chip and the Block. Hutchinson, 1925.
Delafield, E. M., and Nicola Beauman. The Diary of a Provincial Lady. Rpt. ed., Virago, 1984.
Delafield, E. M. The Entertainment. Hutchinson, 1927.
Delafield, E. M. The Glass Wall. Gollancz, 1933.
Delafield, E. M. The Heel of Achilles. Hutchinson, 1921.
Delafield, E. M. The Optimist. Hutchinson, 1922.
Delafield, E. M. The Optimist. Macmillan, 1922.
Delafield, E. M. The Pelicans. Heinemann, 1918.
Delafield, E. M., and Arthur Watts. The Provincial Lady Goes Further. Macmillan, 1932.
Delafield, E. M., and Margaret Freeman. The Provincial Lady in America. Macmillan, 1934.
Delafield, E. M. The Provincial Lady in Wartime. Macmillan, 1940.
Delafield, E. M. The Suburban Young Man. Hutchinson, 1928.
Delafield, E. M. The War-Workers. Heinemann, 1918.
Delafield, E. M. The Way Things Are. Hutchinson, 1927.
Delafield, E. M. The Way Things Are. Harper, 1928.
Delafield, E. M. Three Marriages. Macmillan, 1939.
Galsworthy, John. Time and Tide Album. Editor Delafield, E. M., Hamish Hamilton, 1932.
Delafield, E. M. “To See Ourselves”. Famous Plays of 1931, Gollancz, 1931.
Delafield, E. M. Turn Back the Leaves. Macmillan, 1930.
Delafield, E. M. What is Love?. Macmillan, 1928.
Delafield, E. M. Women Are Like That. Macmillan, 1929.
Delafield, E. M. Zella Sees Herself. Heinemann, 1917.
Delafield, E. M. Zella Sees Herself. Macmillan, 1930.
DeLancey, Craig. “Science Fiction Purges its Problematic Past”. Quillette,
Delaney, Shelagh. A Taste of Honey. Methuen, 1959.
Delaney, Shelagh. Sweetly Sings the Donkey. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1963.
Delaney, Shelagh. The Lion in Love. Methuen, 1961.
Delany, Mary. A Catalogue of Plants Copyed from Nature in Paper Mosaick. Privately printed, 1778.
Delany, Mary. Flora Delanica. 1782.
Delany, Mary, and Sybil Connolly. Letters from Georgian Ireland. Editor Day, Angélique, Friar’s Bush Press, 1991.
Delany, Mary. Letters from Mrs. Delany (widow of Doctor Patrick Delany) to Mrs. Frances Hamilton. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820.
Delany, Mary. Marianna. 1759, p. 75.
Delany, Mary. The Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delany. Editor Llanover, Augusta Hall, Baroness, R. Bentley, 1862, 6 vols.
Delany, Paul. The Neo-Pagans: Rupert Brooke and the Ordeal of Youth. Free Press, 1987.