
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Davis, Mike. Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World. Verso, 2001.
Davis, Nicola. “Imperfect prophet of the computer age gets her due”. Guardian Weekly, 30 Oct. 2015, p. 41.
Davis, Phil. Photography. 3rd ed., W. C. Brown, 1979.
Davis, Philip. “Unsaying”. London Review of Books, 15 Apr. 2004, pp. 32-3.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Cassell, 1887.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. “A Family History”. Rebecca Harding Davis: Writing Cultural Autobiography, edited by Janice Milner Lasseter and Sharon M. Harris, Vanderbilt University Press, 2001, pp. 137-48.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. A Law Unto Herself. J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1878.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Bits of Gossip. Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1904.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. “Bits of Gossip”. Rebecca Harding Davis: Writing Cultural Autobiography, edited by Janice Milner Lasseter and Sharon M. Harris, Vanderbilt University Press, 2001, pp. 21-134.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Dallas Galbraith. J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1868.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Doctor Warrick’s Daughters. Harper, 1896.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. “Earthen Pitchers”. Scribner’s Monthly, Vol.
, Nov.–Apr. 1873, pp. 73 - 81, 199.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Frances Waldeaux. Harper, 1897.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. John Andross. Orange Judd, 1874.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Kitty’s Choice: A Story of Berrytown. J. B. Lippincott, 1874.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Life in the Iron Mills; or, The Korl Woman. Editor Olsen, Tillie, Tillie Olsen, The Feminist Press, 1972.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. “Life in the Iron-Mills”. Atlantic Monthly, Vol.
, No. 42, Apr. 1861, pp. 430-51.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Life in the Iron-Mills. Editor Tichi, Cecelia, Bedford Books, 1998.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Margret Howth. Ticknor and Fields, 1862.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Silhouettes of American Life. Scribner’s, 1892.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. “The Wife’s Story”. Atlantic Monthly, Vol.
, July 1864, pp. 26-31.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Waiting for the Verdict. Sheldon, 1868.
Davis, Richard. “Arthur Griffith, 1872-1922: Architect of Modern Ireland”. History Today, Vol.
, No. 3, 1979, pp. 139-46.
Davis, Robert Gorham. “Augie Just Wouldn’t Settle Down”. The New York Times, 20 Sept. 1953.
Davis, Tracy C. Actresses as Working Women: Their Social Identity in Victorian Culture. Routledge, 1991.
Davis, Tracy C. “The Sociable Playwright and Representative Citizen”. Women and Playwriting in Nineteenth-Century Britain, edited by Tracy C. Davis and Ellen Donkin, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 15-34.
Davis, Tracy C., and Ellen Donkin, editors. Women and Playwriting in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Davison, Carol. “Review: Teresa Ransom: The Mysterious Miss Marie Corelli; Annette R. Federico: Idol of SuburbiaWomens Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, 2002, pp. 466-71.
Davison, Peter. George Orwell: A Literary Life. St Martin’s Press, 1996.
Davy, Sarah, 1639 - 1670. Heaven Realiz’d. A. P., 1670.
Davy, Teresa. “Shorthand Typists in London, 1900-1939”. Our Work, Our Lives, Our Words: Women’s History and Women’s Work, edited by Leonore Davidoff and Belinda Westover, Tiptree, 1986.
Davys, Mary. The Accomplish’d Rake. 1727.
Davys, Mary. The False Friend; or, The Treacherous Portugueze. T. Astley, 1732.
Davys, Mary. The Fugitive. G. Sawbridge, 1705.
Davys, Mary. The Northern Heiress; or, the Humours of York. A. Bettesworth.
Davys, Mary. The Reform’d Coquet. H. Woodfall, 1724.
Davys, Mary. The Reform’d Coquet; or, Memoirs of Amoranda; Familiar Letters Betwixt a Gentleman and a Lady; and, The Accomplish’d Rake; or, Modern Fine Gentleman. Editor Bowden, Martha F., University Press of Kentucky, 1999.
Davys, Mary. The Works of Mrs. Davys. H. Woodfall, 1725.
Dawes, Kathryn. “Anonymity and the Pressures of Publication in the Early Nineteenth-Century”. Cardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text, Vol.
, May 2000.
Dawson, Jennifer. A Field of Scarlet Poppies. Quartet Books, 1979.
Dawson, Jennifer. Fowler’s Snare. Anthony Blond, 1962.
Dawson, Jennifer. Hospital Wedding. Quartet Books, 1978.
Dawson, Jennifer. “Impressions of Iris Murdoch, Teacher, in 1951”. The Ship, Vol.
, 2001–2002, pp. 52-3.
Dawson, Jennifer. Judasland. Virago, 1989.
Dawson, Jennifer. Strawberry Boy. Quartet Books, 1976.
Dawson, Jennifer. The Cold Country. Anthony Blond, 1965.
Dawson, Jennifer. The Ha-Ha. Anthony Blond, 1961.
Dawson, Jennifer. “The Ha-Ha”. They Made Their Name, Anthony Blond, 1968, pp. 197-0.
Dawson, Jennifer, and Elizabeth Mitchell. The Queen of Trent. Abelard-Schuman, 1961.
Dawson, Jennifer. The Upstairs People. Virago, 1988.