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Dunmore, Helen. Helen Dunmore.
Dunmore, Helen. “Helen Dunmore: facing mortality and what we leave behind”., 4 Mar. 2017.
Dunmore, Helen. “Helen Dunmore: my moment of inspiration on the operating table”., 20 Aug. 2016.
Dunmore, Helen. House of Orphans. Penguin, 2006.
Dunmore, Helen. Ice Cream. Viking, 2000.
Dunmore, Helen. Inside the Wave. Bloodaxe, 2017.
Dunmore, Helen. Love of Fat Men. Viking, 1997.
Dunmore, Helen. “Meeting the English by Kate Clanchy—review”. The Guardian, 25 Apr. 2013.
Dunmore, Helen. Mourning Ruby. Viking, 2003.
Dunmore, Helen. Out of the Blue. Bloodaxe Books, 2001.
Dunmore, Helen. Recovering a Body. Bloodaxe Books, 1994.
Dunmore, Helen. Secrets. Bodley Head, 1994.
Dunmore, Helen. Short Days, Long Nights. Bloodaxe Books, 1991.
Dunmore, Helen. Talking to the Dead. Little, Brown, 1996.
Dunmore, Helen. Talking to the Dead. Penguin, 1997.
Dunmore, Helen. The Apple Fall. Bloodaxe Books, 1983.
Dunmore, Helen. The Betrayal. Fig Tree, 2010.
Dunmore, Helen. The Greatcoat. Hammer Books, 2012.
Dunmore, Helen. The Lie. Cornerstone Hutchinson, 2014.
Dunmore, Helen. The Malarkey. Bloodaxe Books, 2012.
Dunmore, Helen. “The Mironov Legacy”. BBC Radio Four.
Dunmore, Helen. The Raw Garden. Bloodaxe Books, 1988.
Dunmore, Helen. The Sea Skater. Bloodaxe Books, 1986.
Dunmore, Helen. The Siege. Viking, 2001.
Dunmore, Helen. The Siege. Quality Paperbacks Direct, 2001.
Dunmore, Helen. The Tide Knot. HarperCollins, 2007.
Dunmore, Helen. With Your Crooked Heart. Viking, 1999.
Dunmore, Helen. Your Blue-Eyed Boy. Viking, 1998.
Dunmore, Helen. Zennor in Darkness. Viking-Penguin, 1993.
Dunn, Douglas. “Strictly for the Bards”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3754, 15 Feb. 1974, p. 149.
Dunn, Douglas. “Through furrowed brows”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4110, 8 Jan. 1982, p. 38.
Dunn, Jane. Antonia White: A Life. Jonathan Cape, 1998.
Dunn, Nell. Cancer Tales. Amber Lane Press, 2002.
Dunn, Nell, and Susan Campbell. Freddy Gets Married. MacGibbon and Kee, 1968.
Dunn, Nell, editor. Grandmothers. Chatto and Windus, 1991.
Dunn, Nell, and Adrian Henri. I Want. Jonathan Cape, 1972.
Dunn, Nell, editor. Living Like I Do. Futura Publications, 1977.
Dunn, Nell. My Silver Shoes. Bloomsbury, 1996.
Dunn, Nell. Poor Cow. MacGibbon and Kee, 1967.
Dunn, Nell. Poor Cow. Bloomsbury, 1996.
Dunn, Nell. Steaming. Amber Lane Press, 1981.
Dunn, Nell, editor. Talking to Women. MacGibbon and Kee, 1965.
Dunn, Nell. Tear his Head off his Shoulders. Jonathan Cape, 1974.
Dunn, Nell. The Incurable. Cape, 1971.
Dunn, Nell. The Only Child. Jonathan Cape, 1978.
Dunn, Nell, and Susan, artist Benson. Up the Junction. MacGibbon and Kee, 1963.
Dunne, Tom. “Reformatory Boy”. Times Literary Supplement, 10 May 2002, p. 25.
Dunning, Ronald. “Family connections were always worth preserving”. JASNA News, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 2018– 2025, p. 9.
Dunscombe, Mary. Danebury. W. Pine, 1779.
Dunton, John. The Ladies Dictionary. Printed for John Dunton, 1694.