Daniels, Sarah. The Gut Girls. Methuen, 1989.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Dante Alighieri,. La divina commedia. Nuova Italia, 1999, 3 vols.
Darley, Gillian. “Diary”. London Review of Books, 8 June 2006, pp. 38-9.
Darley, Gillian. “Down with Cosmopolitanism”. London Review of Books, 18 May 2000, pp. 21-2.
Darley, Judy. “Poetry: includes a transcript from BBCs Newsnight programme”. Mslexia, No. 63, Sept. 2014, p. 58.
Darnton, Robert. Mesmerism: and the End of the Enlightenment in France. Harvard University Press, 1968.
Darr, William, and Flora Tristan. “Foreward”. Flora Tristan’s London Journal, 1840, translated by. Dennis Palmer et al., Charles River Books, 1980, p. v - xi.
Darroch, Sandra Jobson. Ottoline: The Life of Lady Ottoline Morrell. Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1975.
Darton, F. J. Harvey. Children’s Books in England: Five Centuries of Social Life. Cambridge University Press, 1932.
Darton, F. J. Harvey, editor. The Life and Times of Mrs. Sherwood. Wells Gardner, Darton, 1910.
Darton, F.J. Children’s Books in England: Five Centuries of Social Life. Cambridge University Press, 1970.
Darton, Lawrence. The Dartons. Oak Knoll Press, 2004.
Darton, William et al. City Scenes. Darton and Harvey, 1806.
Darton, William et al. Rural Scenes. Darton and Harvey, 1805.
Darwall, Mary Whateley. Original Poems on Several Occasions. R. and J. Dodsley, 1764.
Darwall, Mary Whateley. Poems on Several Occasions. F. Milward, 1794, 2 vols.
Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species. John Murray, 1859.
Darwin, Erasmus, 1731 - 1802. A Plan for the Conduct of Female Education, in Boarding Schools. J. Johnson, 1797.
Daryush, Elizabeth. Charitessi, 1911. Bowes and Bowes, 1912.
Daryush, Elizabeth, and Donald Davie. Collected Poems. Carcanet New Press, 1976.
Daryush, Elizabeth. Selected poems from ’Verses, I-VI’. Carcanet Press, 1972.
Daryush, Elizabeth. The Last Man and Other Verses. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1936.
Daryush, Elizabeth. Verses. B. H. Blackwell, 1916.
Daryush, Elizabeth. Verses. Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1930.
Daryush, Elizabeth. Verses: 7th Book. Carcanet Press, 1971.
Daryush, Elizabeth. Verses: Sixth Book. The author, 1938.
Daston, Lorraine. “Language of Power”. London Review of Books, 1 Nov. 2001, p. 3, 6.
Daston, Lorraine. “Why statistics tend not only to describe the world but to change it”. London Review of Books, 13 Apr. 2000, pp. 35-6.
Daunton, Martin. “Health and Housing in Victorian London”. Living and Dying in London, edited by William F. Bynum and Roy Porter, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1991, pp. 126-44.
Davenport, Doris. “Light reading”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 2, Nov. 2002, pp. 13-14. Davenport, Hester. “A Visit to Kew Palace”. Burney Letter, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2006, pp. 7-8. Davenport, Hester. “Library Bulletin. A Burney Discovery”. The Female Spectator, Vol.
, No. 3, 1 June 2008– 2025, pp. 8-10. Davenport, Selina. An Angel’s Form and a Devil’s Heart. A Novel. Minerva, 1818, 4 vols.
Davenport, Selina. Donald Monteith, The Handsomest Man of the Age. A Novel. Minerva, 1815, 5 vols.
Davenport, Selina. Italian Vengeance and English Forbearance. A Romance. A. K. Newman, 1828.
Davenport, Selina. Leap Year; or Woman’s Privilege. A Novel. Minerva, 1817, 5 vols.
Davenport, Selina. Personation. A Novel. A. K. Newman, 1834, 3 vols.
Davenport, Selina. Preference. A Novel. Minerva Press, 1824, 3 vols.
Davenport, Selina. The Hypocrite; or, The Modern Janus. A Novel. Minerva, 1814, 5 vols.
Davenport, Selina. The Original of the Miniature. A Novel. Minerva, 1816, 4 vols.
Davenport, Selina. The Sons of the Viscount and the Daughters of the Earl. Colburn, 1813, 4 vols.
Davenport, Selina. The Unchanged. A Novel. A. K. Newman, 1832, 3 vols.
Davenport-Hines, Richard. “Horrid Mutilation! Read all about it!”. London Review of Books, 4 Apr. 2002, pp. 37-9.
Davenport-Hines, Richard. “Murder in the Stacks”. The London Library Magazine, No. 4, 1 June 2009– 2025, pp. 20-3.
Davenport-Hines, Richard. “On the road to now”. Guardian Weekly, 10 Oct. 2014, p. 38.
Davenport-Hines, Richard. “Suffocating Suspense”. London Review of Books, 16 Mar. 2000, pp. 36-37.
David, Deirdre. Intellectual Women and Victorian Patriarchy. Cornell University Press, 1987.
David, Deirdre. Olivia Manning: A Woman at War. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Davidoff, Leonore. “Class and Gender in Victorian England: The Diaries of Arthur J. Munby and Hannah Cullwick”. Sex and Class in Women’s History, edited by Judith L. Newton et al., Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983, pp. 17-71.
Grant, Elizabeth. “Preface”. Memoirs of a Highland Lady, edited by Angus Davidson, J. Murray, 1950, p. v - vi.