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Dow, Gillian. “Jane Austen’s Reading and the Eighteenth Century Woman Writer”. Sensibilities, Vol.
, The Jane Austen Society of Australia, Dec. 2009, pp. 69-88.
Dow, Gillian. “Places of our own: In search of literary treasure”. Mslexia, Vol.
, No. 2, Oct. 2008, pp. 8-11.
Dow, Gillian. “Report from deputy CEO”. Agenda for Chawton House Library Trustees’ Meeting.
Dow, Gillian. “The British Reception of Madame de Genlis’s Writings for Children: Plays and Tales of Instruction and Delight”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 3, 2006, pp. 367-81.
Dow, Leslie Smith. Anna Leonowens: A Life Beyond The King and I. Pottersfield, 1991.
Dowd, Maureen A. “’By the Delicate Hand of a Female’: Melodramatic Mania and Joanna Baillie’s Spectacular Tragedies”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 4, 1998, pp. 469-00.
Dowd, Michelle M., and Thomas Festa, editors. Early Modern Women on the Fall: An Anthology. Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2012.
Southey, Robert, and Caroline Bowles. “Introduction”. The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles, edited by Edward Dowden, Hodges, Figgis, 1881, p. vi - xxxii.
Dowell, Ben. “BBC rejects play on Israel’s history for impartiality reasons”. The Guardian, 16 Mar. 2009.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. A Girl in the Karpathians. Fifth Edition, George Philip & Son, 1892.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. Gallia. Editor Small, Helen, J. M. Dent, 1995.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. Love and his Mask. William Heineman, 1901.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. Some Whims of Fate. John Lane, 1896.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. The Crook of the Bough. Methuen & Co., 1898.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. “The Thrall Song”. Pall Mall Magazine, Vol.
, No. 123, July 1903, p. 393.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. Things about our Neighbourhood. Grant Richards, 1903.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel. “Wladislaw’s Advent”. The Yellow Book, Vol.
, No. I, E. Mathews & J. Lane, 1895, pp. 90-115.
Dowie, Ménie Muriel, editor. Women Adventurers. T. Fisher Unwin, 1893.
Dowling, Andrew. “’The Other Side of Silence’: Matrimonial Conflict and the Divorce Court in George Eliot’s Fiction”. Nineteenth-Century Literature, Vol.
, No. 3, 1995, pp. 322-36.
Downame, John, and Mary Cary. The Account Audited. Printed for T. R. and E. M.
Downer, Lesley. “’The Icarus Girl’: The Play Date From Hell”. The New York Times, 17 July 2005.
Downes, Kerry. Hawksmoor. Praeger, 1970.
Downes, Peter. “The Pollards”. Return to Black Beech. Papers from a Centenary Symposium on Ngaio Marsh 1895-1995, edited by Carole Acheson and Carolyn Lidgard, The Centre for Continuing Education, University of Canterbury, 1996, pp. 21-30.
Downie, James Alan. “Defoe’s Birth”. The Scriblerian, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Mar.–31 May 2013, pp. 225-30.
Downie, James Alan. Jonathan Swift: Political Writer. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.
Downie, James Alan. “Mary Davys’s ’Probable Feign’d Stories’ and Critical Shibboleths about ’The Rise of the Novel’”. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.
, No. 2-3, Jan.–Apr. 2000, pp. 309-26.
Downie, James Alan. Robert Harley and the Press: Propaganda and Public Opinion in the Age of Swift and Defoe. Cambridge University Press, 1979.
Downie, James Alan. “What If Delarivier Manley Did Not Write The Secret History of Queen Zarah?”. Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, Vol.
, No. 3, Sept. 2004, pp. 247-64.
Downing, Harriet. Mary; or, Female Friendship. James Harper, 1816.
Downing, Harriet. Remembrances of a Monthly Nurse. Simms and M’Intyre, 1852.
Downing, Harriet. Satan in Love. George Bell, 1840.
Downing, Harriet. The Bride of Sicily. Hurst, Chance, 1830.
Downing, Harriet. The Child of the Tempest. Harwood, 1821.
Dowriche, Anne. The French Historie. Thomas Man, 1589.
Dowson, Jane et al. “Introduction”. Selected Poems, edited by Jane Dowson and Jane Dowson, Enitharmon Press, 1996, p. xiii - xxv.
Dowson, Jane. “What is the true standing of Oxford poet Elizabeth Jennings?”. Oxford Today, 23 Oct. 2016.
Dowson, Jane, editor. Women’s Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology. Routledge, 1996.
Doyle, Christine. Louisa May Alcott and Charlotte Brontë: Transatlantic Translations. University of Knoxville Press, 2000.
Doyle, Richard, and William Allingham. In Fairyland: A Series of Pictures from the Elf-World. Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1870.
Drabble, Margaret. “1960s”. The Guardian, 26 May 2007, pp. Weekend 25 - 31.
Drabble, Margaret. A Day in the Life of a Smiling Woman. Penguin, 2011.
Drabble, Margaret. “A Day Out in Kew”. Jane Austen Sings the Blues, edited by Nora Foster Stovel, University of Alberta Press, 2009, pp. 57-65.
Drabble, Margaret. A Natural Curiosity. Viking, 1989.
Drabble, Margaret. “A return to grass roots”. The Guardian, 10 Apr. 2010, p. 5.
Drabble, Margaret. A Summer Bird-Cage. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1962.
Drabble, Margaret. “A Woman Writer”. On Gender and Writing, edited by Michelene Wandor, Pandora Press, 1983, pp. 156-9.
Drabble, Margaret, and Jorge Lewinsky. A Writer’s Britain: Landscape in Literature. Thames and Hudson, 1979.
Drabble, Margaret. “Amber Reeves (1887 - 1981)”. Breaking Bounds. Six Newnham Lives, edited by Biddy Passmore, Newnham College, 2014, pp. 40-51.
Drabble, Margaret. Angus Wilson: A Biography. Secker and Warburg, 1995.
Drabble, Margaret. Arnold Bennett. Knopf, 1974.