Dickens, Monica. Thursday Afternoons. Michael Joseph, 1945.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Dickie, Simon. “Hilarity and Pitilessness in the Mid-Eighteenth Century: English Jestbook Humor”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 2003, pp. 1-22. Dickinson, Emily et al. A Letter to the World. Bodley Head, 1968.
Dickinson, Emily. Further Poems of Emily Dickinson withheld from publication by her sister Lavinia. Editors Bianchi, Martha Dickinson and Alfred Leete Hampson, Little, Brown, and Co., 1929.
Dickinson, Emily. Poems by Emily Dickinson. Editors Todd, Mabel Loomis and Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Roberts Brothers, 1890.
Dickinson, Emily, and Martha Dickinson Bianchi. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Little, Brown, 1924.
Dickinson, Emily. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Editor Johnson, Thomas, Faber and Faber, 1970.
Dickinson, Emily. The Letters of Emily Dickinson. Editor Johnson, Thomas, Harvard University Press, 1958, 3 vols.
Dickinson, Emily. The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson. Editor Franklin, Ralph W., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1981, 2 vols.
Dickinson, Emily. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Editor Johnson, Thomas, Belknap Press, 1955.
Eden, Emily. “Introduction”. Miss Eden’s Letters, edited by Violet Dickinson, Macmillan, 1919, p. vii - xi.
Dickson, Beth. “Annie S. Swan and O. Douglas: Legacies of the Kailyard”. A History of Scottish Women’s Writing, edited by Douglas Gifford et al., Edinburgh University Press, 1997, pp. 329-46.
Dickson, Mora. The Powerful Bond: Hannah Kilham 1774-1832. Dobson, 1980.
DiGaetani, John L. A Search for a Postmodern Theatre: Interviews with Contemporary Playwrights. Greewood Press, 1991.
Dille, Catherine. “‘A Juster View of Johnson’: George Birkbeck Hill, Johnson and Boswell’s Victorian Editor”. New Rambler, 2003, pp. 24-35.
Dillon, Brian. “At Tate Britain”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 17, 7 Sept. 2017, p. 27. Baudelaire, Charles. Flowers of Evil. Translators Dillon, George and Edna St Vincent Millay, Harper, 1936.
Dillwyn, E. A. A Burglary. Tinsley Brothers, 1883, 3 vols.
Dillwyn, E. A. Chloe Arguelle. Tinsley Brothers, 1881, 2 vols.
Dillwyn, E. A. Jill. Macmillan, 1884, 2 vols.
Dillwyn, E. A. Jill and Jack. Macmillan, 1887, 2 vols.
Dillwyn, E. A. Maggie Steele’s Diary. Cassell, 1892, p. 118 pp.
Dillwyn, E. A. The Rebecca Rioter. Macmillan, 1880, 2 vols.
Dilthey, Wilhelm. Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften. Duncker und Humblot, 1883.
Dinesen, Isak. Anecdotes of Destiny. Michael Joseph, 1958.
Dinesen, Isak. Carnival. University of Chicago Press, 1977.
Dinesen, Isak. Ehrengard. Random House, 1962.
Dinesen, Isak. Last Tales. Putnam, 1957.
Dinesen, Isak. Letters from Africa, 1914-1931. Editor Lasson, Frans, Translator Born, Anne, University of Chicago Press, 1981.
Dinesen, Isak. Out of Africa. Putnam, 1937.
Dinesen, Isak, and Dorothy Canfield Fisher. Seven Gothic Tales. H. Smith and R. Haas, 1934.
Dinesen, Isak. Shadows on the Grass. M. Joseph, 1960.
Dinesen, Isak. The Angelic Avengers. Random House, 1946.
Dinesen, Isak. Winter’s Tales. Putnam, 1942.
Dingle, Ceri. Email to Women’s History Network List.
Dingwall, Robert et al. An Introduction to the Social History of Nursing. Routledge, 1988.
Dinnage, Rosemary. Annie Besant. Penguin, 1986.
Dinnage, Rosemary. “Big Thinks”. London Review of Books, 22 June 2000, pp. 42-3.
Dinnage, Rosemary. “Diary”. London Review of Books, 14 Oct. 1999, pp. 24-5.
Dinnage, Rosemary. “Respecting the feminine cycle”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3975, 9 June 1978, p. 631.
Dinnage, Rosemary. “Streamlined Smiles”. London Review of Books, 2 Mar. 2000, pp. 32-3.
Dinnis, Enid M. Emily Hickey, Poet, Essayist—Pilgrim. Harding and More, 1927.
DiPlacidi, Jenny. “Searching for ’R’: A Collaborative Identification”. The Lady’s Magazine (1770-1818): Understanding the Emergence of a Genre, 19 Feb. 2016.
Dirda, Michael. “Sips from the finest vintage”. Guardian Weekly, 1–7 July 2005, p. 25.
Dirda, Michael. “The mystery we are”. Guardian Weekly, 23 July 2010, pp. 36-7.
Dirda, Michael. “This Woman Is Dangerous”. The Guardian, 20 June 2009, p. between pp. 12 and 13.
Diski, Jenny. “A Reparation of her Choosing”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 24, 17 Dec. 2015, pp. 27-30. Diski, Jenny. “Cuddlesome”. London Review of Books, 8 Jan. 2004, pp. 9-10.
Diski, Jenny. “Darling, are you mad?”. London Review of Books, 4 Nov. 2004, pp. 33-4.
Diski, Jenny. “Diary”. London Review of Books, 3 Feb. 2000, p. 39.