Cunard, Nancy. Nous gens d’Espagne, 1945-1949. Imprint Labau, 1949.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Cunard, Nancy. Outlaws. Elkin Mathews, 1921.
Cunard, Nancy. Parallax. Hogarth Press, 1925.
Cunard, Nancy. Poems (two) 1925. Aquila, 1930.
Cunard, Nancy, editor. Poems for France. La France Libre, 1944.
Cunard, Nancy. Relève into Maquis. Grasshopper, 1944.
Cunard, Nancy. Selected Poems. Editor Parmar, Sandeep, Carcanet Press, 2016.
Cunard, Nancy. “Seven Poems”. Wheels, edited by Osbert Sitwell and Sacheverell Sitwell, Longmans, Green, 1916.
Cunard, Nancy. Sublunary. Hodder and Stoughton, 1923.
Cunard, Nancy. The Poems of Nancy Cunard. Editor Lucas, John, b. 1937, Nottingham Trent University, 2005.
Cunard, Nancy, and George Padmore. The White Man’s Duty. W.H. Allen, 1942.
Cunard, Nancy, and Hugh Ford. These Were the Hours. Southern Illinois University Press, 1969.
Cunard, Nancy. Thoughts about Ronald Firbank. Albondocani, 1971.
Cunningham, Gail. “’He-Notes’: Reconstructing Masculinity”. The New Woman in Fiction and in Fact: Fin de Siècle Feminisms, edited by Angelique Richardson and Chris Willis, Palgrave, 2001, pp. 94-106.
Cunningham, Gail, and Victoria Cross. “Introduction”. Anna Lombard, edited by Gail Cunningham and Gail Cunningham, Continuum, 2006, p. vii - xxv.
Cunningham, Gail. The New Woman and the Victorian Novel. Macmillan, 1978.
Cunningham, John, fl. 1976. “The Salford Madonna”. The Guardian, 4 Aug. 1976.
Cunningham, Lady Margaret. A Pairt of the Life of Lady Margaret Cuninghame. Editor Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, J. Ballantyne, 1827.
Cunningham, Lady Margaret. A Parte of the Life of Lady Margaret Cunningham.
Cunningham, Valentine. “Nosing out the Indian reality”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4076, 15 May 1981, p. 535.
Cunningham, Valentine, editor. The Victorians: An Anthology of Poetry and Poetics. Blackwell, 2000.
Cunnington, C. Willett et al. The History of Underclothes. Revised, Faber and Faber, 1981.
Cuny, Hilaire. Louis Pasteur: The Man and His Theories. Paul S. Eriksson, 1966.
Cupitt, Don. “Turbulent Trappist”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4063, 13 Feb. 1981, p. 156.
Curelli, Mario. “Note”. The Scriblerian, Vol.
, No. 1-2, Department of English, Temple University, 2001, pp. 114-15. Browning, Robert, and Julia Wedgwood. “Introduction”. Robert Browning and Julia Wedgwood: A Broken Friendship as Revealed by Their Letters, edited by Richard Curle, Frederick A. Stokes, 1937, p. vii - xxiii.
Curley, Thomas. “Johnson and the Irish: A Post-Colonial Survey of the Irish Literary Renaissance in Imperial Great Britain”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2001, pp. 67-197. Curll, Edmund et al. Codrus. E. Curll, 1728.
Curll, Edmund et al. “The Life of Corinna. Written by Herself”. Pylades and Corinna, 1731, p. iv - lxxx.
Curphey, Marianne. “Negative equity”. Guardian Unlimited, 18 Feb. 2003.
Currah, Paisley. “Free to be she”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Feb. 2003, pp. 21-2. Curran, John Philpot. Speeches of John Philpot Curran, Esq. I. Riley, 1811, 2 vols.
Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks: fifty years of mysteries in the making. Editor Curran, John, b. 1954, HarperCollins, 2009.
Curran, Stuart, and Isobel Grundy. Email about Mary Robinson to Isobel Grundy.
Smith, Charlotte. “Introduction”. The Poems of Charlotte Smith, edited by Stuart Curran, Oxford University Press, 1993, p. xix - xxix.
Curran, Stuart. “Isabella Lickbarrow and Mary Bryan: Wordsworthian Poets”. The Wordsworth Circle, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Mar.–31 May 1996, pp. 113-18. Curran, Stuart. “Mary Robinson and the New Lyric”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, 2002, pp. 9-22. Curran, Stuart. “Reading with Both Hands: The Dialog of Novelist and Poet”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Boston, MA.
Curran, Stuart. “Romantic Women Poets: Inscribing the Self”. Women’s Poetry in the Enlightenment: The Making of a Canon, 1730-1820, edited by Isobel Armstrong and Virginia Blain, St Martin’s Press, 1999, pp. 145-66.
Curran, Stuart. “The I Altered”. Romanticism and Feminism, edited by Anne K. Mellor, Indiana University Press, 1988, pp. 185-07.
Currie, Mark. “Ali Smith and the Philosophy of Grammar”. Ali Smith, edited by Monica Germanà and Emily Horton, Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 48-60.
Curry, Kenneth. Southey. Routledge, 1975.
Curry, Mary Jane. “’Not a day went by without a solitary walk’: Elizabeth’s Pastoral World”. Persuasions, Vol.
, No. 175-86, 2000. Curtin, Nancy J. The United Irishmen: Popular Politics in Ulster and Dublin 1791-1798. Clarendon, 1994.
Curtis, Anthony Samuel. “Bleeding Hearts”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3414, 3 Aug. 1967, p. 701.
Curtis, David A., and Harriet E. Wilson. “Chronology of Harriet E. Adams Wilson”. Our Nig, edited by Henry Louis, Jr Gates and Henry Louis, Jr Gates, Vintage Books, Random House, 1983, p. xiii - xxvii.
Curtis, Liz. The Cause of Ireland: From the United Irishmen to Partition. Beyond the Pale Publications, 1994.
Curtis, Stanley James. Education in Britain since 1900. Greenwood Press, 1970.
Curtis, Stanley James. History of Education in Great Britain. Seventh, University Tutorial Press, 1967.
Curwen, Peter. The UK Publishing Industry. Pergamon Press, 1981.