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Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. The Philosophy of Ragged Schools. William Pickering, 1851.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. “The Property of Married Women”. The Westminster Review, Vol.
, Leonard Scott & Co., Oct. 1856, pp. 181-97.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. “Wycliffe and His Times”. The Westminster Review, Vol.
, July 1854, pp. 145-73.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. “Young Criminals”. Westminster Review, Vol.
, John Chapman, July 1853, pp. 137-64.
Cornwallis-West, Beatrice Stella. My Life and Some Letters. The Ryerson Press, 1922.
Corp, Harriet. A Sequel to the Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life. Williams and Smith, 1809.
Corp, Harriet. An Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life. Williams and Smith, 1807.
Corp, Harriet. An Antidote to the Miseries of Life. 3rd ed., Williams and Smith, 1808.
Corp, Harriet. Cottage Sketches. Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, 1812, 2 vols.
Corp, Harriet. Cottage Sketches. Second, Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, 1813, 2 vols.
Corp, Harriet. Cœlebs Deceived. Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1817, 2 vols.
Corp, Harriet. Familiar Scenes, Histories, and Reflections. Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, 1814.
Corp, Harriet. Familiar Scenes, Histories, and Reflections. Whittaker, 1821.
Corp, Harriet. Interesting Conversations. Williams and Smith, 1805.
Corp, Harriet. Talents Improved. Printed by R. Tilling, Newport, Isle of Wight, 1805.
Corp, Harriet. Tales Characteristic, Descriptive, and Allegorical. Baldwin and Cradock, 1829.
Corp, Harriet. Travellers in Search of Truth. 1849.
Corrick, Georgia. “’You will Blame Me . But . It Seemed to me Simply a Thing that Had to be Done’: Women’s Transgressions and Moral Choices in Edna Lyall’s Novels”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, Oct. 2007, pp. 476-95.
Waddell, Helen. “Acknowledgements; Note; Introduction”. Between Two Eternities, edited by Felicitas Corrigan, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1993, pp. viii - ix, 1.
“Introduction”. More Latin Lyrics from Virgil to Milton, edited by Felicitas Corrigan, translated by. Helen Waddell, Victor Gollancz, 1980, pp. 11-33.
Corrigan, Maureen. “Not a tragedy in sight”. Guardian Weekly, 8 Feb. 2013, pp. 35-6.
Corrine, Saint. Email to trustees of Chawton House Library.
Corry, John, and John Evans. The History of Bristol. W. Sheppard, 1816, 2 vols.
Cossy, Valérie. “Jane Austen in France and Switzerland”. The Female Spectator (1995-), Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 2006, pp. 5-6.
Costa, Gustavo. “Lettere inedite di Giuseppe Baretti”. Italica, Vol.
, No. 3, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1971, pp. 353-66.
Costa, Karyn. “Gillian Allnutt: Sojourner”. E-rea, 15 Oct. 2004.
Costa, Palmira Fontes da. “The understanding of monsters at the Royal Society in the first half of the eighteenth century”. Endeavour, Vol.
, No. 1, Mar. 2000, pp. 34-9.
Costanzo, Angelo, editor. “Appendix A: Letters and Reviews”. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Broadview Press, 2001, pp. 255-6.
Equiano, Olaudah. “Introduction, etc”. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, edited by Angelo Costanzo, Peterborough, ON, 2001, pp. 7-37.
Moore, Marianne. “Introduction”. The Selected Letters of Marianne Moore, edited by Bonnie Costello et al., Knopf, 1997, p. ix - xv.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. A Pilgrimage to Auvergne. Richard Bentley, 1842, 2 vols.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. A Summer Amongst the Bocages and the Vines. Richard Bentley, 1840, 2 vols.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. A Tour to and from Venice. John Ollivier, 1846.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Clara Fane. Richard Bentley, 1848, 3 vols.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Memoirs of Anne, Duchess of Brittany, Twice Queen of France. W. and F. G. Cash, 1855.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen. Richard Bentley, 1844, 4 vols.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen. Cambridge University Press, 2010, 4 vols.,
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Songs of a Stranger. Published for the author by Taylor and Hessey, 1825.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Specimens of the Early Poetry of France. William Pickering, 1835.
Costello, Louisa Stuart et al. The Falls, Lakes, and Mountains, of North Wales. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1845.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Lay of the Stork. William and Frederick G. Cash, 1856.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Maid of the Cyprus Isle. 2nd ed., Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1815.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Queen’s Poisoner. Richard Bentley, 1841, 3 vols.
The Rose Garden of Persia. Translator Costello, Louisa Stuart, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1845.
Côté, Nicole, and Peter Sabor, editors. “Table ronde”. Varieties of Exile: New Essays on Mavis Gallant, Peter Lang, 2002, pp. 75-104.
Cottle, Joseph. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. 2nd ed., Houlston and Stoneman, 1847.
Cotton, John et al. The Crystal Zoo. Oxford University Press, 1985.
Conway, Anne. “Introduction”. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, edited by Allison P. Coudert and Taylor Corse, Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. vii - xxxiii.
Coughlan, Sean. “Imprisoned suffragette letter discovered”. BBC News, 21 Sept. 2018.
Coulombeau, Sophie. “Why should women change their names on getting married?”. BBC News Magazine, 31 Oct. 2014.