Corelli, Marie. Thelma. R. Bentley, 1887, 3 vols.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Corelli, Marie. Vendetta!. R. Bentley, 1886, 3 vols.
Corelli, Marie. Vendetta!. Methuen, 1962.
Corelli, Marie. Wormwood. R. Bentley and Son, 1890, 3 vols.
Corelli, Marie. Wormwood. 8th ed., Methuen, 1897, http://HSS PR 4504 W92 1897.
Corelli, Marie. Ziska. Arrowsmith; Simpkin,, Marshall, 1897.
Corelli, Marie. Ziska. Methuen, 1960.
Corely, Jim. “History Articles. Elizabeth Smith—from Bombay to Baltiboys”.
Corey, Melinda, and George Ochoa, editors. The Encyclopedia of the Victorian World. Henry Holt and Company, 1996.
Corfield, Kenneth. “Elizabeth Heyrick: Radical Quaker”. Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930, edited by Gail Malmgreen, Croom Helm, 1986, pp. 41-67.
Corfield, Kenneth. “Elizabeth Heyrick: Radical Quaker”. Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930, edited by Gail Malmgreen, Indiana University Press, 1986, pp. 41-67.
Corkran, Henrietta. “An Evening in Bohemia”. Littell’s Living Age, Vol.
, The Living Age Company, 1896, pp. 119-24. Cornford, Frances, and Eric Gill. Autumn Midnight. Poetry Bookshop, 1923.
Cornford, Frances. Collected Poems. Cresset Press, 1954.
Cornford, Frances. Death and the Princess. Bowes and Bowes, 1912.
Cornford, Frances. Different Days. Hogarth Press, 1928.
Fifteen Poems, from the French. Translator Cornford, Frances, Tragara Press, 1976.
Cornford, Frances, and Gwen Raverat. Mountains and Molehills. Cambridge University Press, 1934.
Cornford, Frances, and Christopher Cornford. On a Calm Shore. Saint Nicolas Press, 1960.
Cornford, Frances. Poems. The Priory Press, 1910.
Poems from the Russian. Translators Cornford, Frances and Esther Polianowsky Salaman, Faber and Faber, 1943.
Cornford, Frances, and Gwen Raverat. Spring Morning. Poetry Bookshop, 1915.
Cornford, Frances, and Christopher Cornford. Travelling Home. Cresset Press, 1948.
Cornford, Hugh et al. “Frances Cornford 1886-1960”. Selected Poems, edited by Jane Dowson and Jane Dowson, Enitharmon Press, 1996, p. xxvii - xxxvii.
Cornford, John, and Frances Cornford. Understand the Weapon, Understand the Wound. Editor Galassi, Jonathan, Carcanet New Press, 1976.
Cornish, Blanche Warre. Alcestis. Smith, Elder, 1873, 2 vols.
Cornish, Blanche Warre. “Moral Conflicts and Religious Beliefs”. Thackeray: Interviews and Recollections, edited by Philip Collins, Macmillan, 1983, pp. 2: 193 - 202.
Cornish, Blanche Warre. Northam Cloisters. Smith, Elder, 1882, 2 vols.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. Some Family Letters of W. M. Thackeray; Together with Recollections by his Kinswoman Blanche Warre Cornish. Editor Cornish, Blanche Warre, Houghton Mifflin, 1911.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. A Brief View of Greek Philosophy from the Age of Socrates to the Coming of Christ. William Pickering, 1844.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. A Brief View of Greek Philosophy up to the Age of Pericles. William Pickering, 1844.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. An Exposition of Vulgar and Common Errors Adapted to the Year of Grace MDCCCXLV. William Pickering, 1845.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry. William Pickering, 1843.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. “Capabilities and Disabilities of Women”. The Westminster Review, Vol.
, Leonard Scott & Co., Jan. 1857, pp. 23-40. Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. Christian Doctrine and Practice in the Second Century. William Pickering, 1844.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. Christian Doctrine and Practice in the Twelfth Century. William Pickering, 1850.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. Christian Sects in the Nineteenth Century. William Pickering, 1846.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. General Principles of Grammar. William Pickering, 1847.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. “History of the House of Savoy”. The Westminster Review, Vol.
, John Chapman, Jan. 1856, pp. 51-90. Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. “Naval Education”. Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country, Vol.
, Sept. 1857, p. 318. Cornwallis, Caroline Frances, and John Barlow. On Man’s Power Over Himself to Prevent or Control Insanity. William Pickering, 1843.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. On The Principles of Criminal Law. William Pickering, 1846.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. On the State of Man Before the Promulgation of Christianity. William Pickering, 1848.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. On the State of Man Subsequent to the Promulgation of Christianity. William Pickering, 1854, 4 vols.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. Pericles. Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1846, 2 vols.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. Philosophical Theories and Philosophical Experience. William Pickering, 1841.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. Selections from the Letters of Caroline Frances Cornwallis. Editor Power, M. C., Trübner and Co., 1864.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. “Self-Education”. The Westminster Review, Vol.
, John Chapman, July 1855, pp. 73-94. Cornwallis, Caroline Frances. Sketches of Geology. William Pickering, 1848.
Cornwallis, Caroline Frances, and John Barlow. The Connection Between Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy. William Pickering, 1842.