
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Cobbe, Frances Power. The Cities of the Past. Trübner, 1864.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Confessions of a Lost Dog. Griffith and Farran, 1867.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Duties of Women. G. H. Ellis, 1881.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Duties of Women. Williams and Norgate, 1881.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Duties of Women. Cambridge University Press, 2010,
Cobbe, Frances Power. “The Final Cause of Woman”. Woman’s Work and Woman’s Culture, edited by Josephine Butler, Macmillan, 1869, pp. 1-26.
Cobbe, Frances Power. “The Hindoo Marriage Law”. Times, No. 32192, 1 Oct. 1887, p. 6 .
Cobbe, Frances Power. “The Medical Profession and Its Morality”. Modern Review, Vol.
, Apr. 1881, pp. 296-2.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Red Flag in John Bull’s Eyes. Emily Faithfull, 1863.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Workhouse as an Hospital. Emily Faithfull, 1861.
Cobbe, Frances Power. “What Shall We Do With Our Old Maids?”. Fraser’s Magazine, Vol.
, Nov. 1862, pp. 594-10.
Cobbe, Frances Power. Why Women Desire the Franchise. National Society for Women’s Suffrage, 1869.
Cobbe, Frances Power. “Wife-Torture in England”. Contemporary Review, Vol.
, 1878, pp. 55-87.
Cobbe, Frances Power. “Woman Suffrage”. Contemporary Review, Vol.
, 1903, pp. 653-60.
Cobbold, Elizabeth. Monody to the Memory of Mrs Byles. Piper, 1818.
Cobbold, Elizabeth. Ode on the Victory of Waterloo. J. Raw, 1815.
Cobbold, Elizabeth. Poems by Mrs. Elizabeth Cobbold. Editor Jermyn, Laetitia, J. Raw, 1825.
Cobbold, Elizabeth. Poems on Various Subjects. C. Wheeler, 1783.
Cobbold, Elizabeth. Six Narrative Poems. C. Dilly, 1787.
Cobbold, Elizabeth, editor. The Chaplet. J. Raw, 1805.
Cobbold, Elizabeth. The Mince Pye. Thomas Bensley, 1800.
Cobbold, Elizabeth. The Sword. A. Smith, 1791, 2 vols.
Cobbold, Richard. The History of Margaret Catchpole, a Suffolk Girl. H. Colburn, 1845, 3 vols.
Cobbold, Richard et al. The History of Margaret Catchpole, a Suffolk Girl. Facsimile of 1847 edition, Boydell Press, 1979.
Cobbold of Knebworth, David Lytton Cobbold, Baron. A Blighted Marriage. Knebworth House Education and Preservation Trust, 1999.
Coben, Harlan. “Killer Plot”. The New York Times Book Review, 23 June 2014.
Cochrane, Kira. “Ann Oakley: ’Barbara Wootton was too visionary’”., 7 July 2011.
Cochrane, Kira. “Election results for women to celebrate – and worry about”. The Guardian, 8 May 2010, p. 19.
Cockburn, Alison. Letters and Memoirs. Editor Craig-Brown, Thomas, David Douglas, 1900.
Cockburn, Cynthia. Brothers: Male Dominance and Technological Change. Pluto Press, 1983.
Cockburn, Cynthia. Brothers: Male Dominance and Technological Change. 2nd ed., Pluto Press, 1991.
Cockburn, J. S., and T. F. T. Baker, editors. “Harrow, including Pinner: The growth of the hamlets”. British History Online: The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume IV, 1971.
Cockburn, J. S. et al., editors. “Schools: Queen’s College, Harley Street”. British History Online: The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume I, 1969.
Cockin, Katharine. “Cicely Hamilton’s Warriors: dramatic reinventions of militancy in the British women’s suffrage movement”. Women’s History Review, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 527-42.
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
Cockin, Katharine, and Jo Campling. Women and Theatre in the Age of Suffrage: the Pioneer Players 1911-1925. Palgrave, 2001.
Cocozza, Paula. “A drift through memories before sleep”. Guardian Weekly, 11 Dec. 2015, p. 39.
Codd, Clara. Introduction to Pantanjali’s Yoga. Theosophical Publishing House, 1966.
Codd, Clara, and Dorothy Codd. Poems. Theosophical Publishing House, 1964.
Codd, Clara. So Rich a Life. Caxton Limited, 1951.
Codd, Clara. The Way of the Disciple. The Theosophical Publishing House, 1964.
Codd, Clara. Theosophy for Very Little Children. Theosophical Publishing House, 1916.
Codd, Clara. Trust Yourself to Life. The Theosophical Publishing House, 1968.
Cody, David. The Covenanters.
Coffey, Marilyn et al. “April 1976 Newsletter”. New York Woman’s Literary Salon, Apr. 1976.
Cohen, Deborah. “A Vast Masquerade”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, 2 Mar. 2017, pp. 34-5.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.
Cohen, Nick. “Ever-present danger”. Guardian Weekly, 18 Oct. 2013, pp. 37-8.
Cohen, Paula Marantz. “Christina Rossettis Goblin Market: A Paradigm for Nineteenth-Century Anorexia Nervosa”. Studies in Literature, Vol.
, No. 1, 1985, pp. 1-18.
Cohen, Susan. “Women’s History Month: Eleanor Rathbone”. Women’s History Network Blog, 25 Mar. 2010.