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Buck, Clare, editor. Bloomsbury Guide to Women’s Literature. Bloomsbury, 1992.
Buck, Pearl S. A Bridge for Passing. John Day, 1962.
Buck, Pearl S. A House Divided. P. F. Collier, 1935.
Buck, Pearl S. All Men are Brothers. John Day, 1933.
Buck, Pearl S. Command the Morning. John Day, 1959.
Buck, Pearl S. Dragon Seed. John Day, 1942.
Buck, Pearl S. East Wind: West Wind. John Day, 1930.
Buck, Pearl S. Fighting Angel: Portrait of a Soul. Reynal and Hitchcock, 1936.
Buck, Pearl S. Imperial Woman. John Day, 1956.
Buck, Pearl S. Of Men and Women. John Day, 1941.
Buck, Pearl S. Pavilion of Women. John Day, 1946.
Buck, Pearl S. Sons. John Day, 1932.
Buck, Pearl S. The Child Who Never Grew. John Day, 1950.
Buck, Pearl S. The Chinese Children Next Door. John Day, 1942.
Buck, Pearl S. The Eternal Wonder. Open Road, 2013.
Buck, Pearl S. The Exile. Reynal and Hitchcock, 1936.
Buck, Pearl S. The First Wife and Other Stories. John Day, 1933.
Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. John Day, 1931.
Buck, Pearl S. The Hidden Flower. John Day, 1952.
Buck, Pearl S. The Three Daughters of Madame Liang. John Day, 1969.
Buck, Pearl S. The Time is Noon. John Day, 1966.
Buck, Pearl S. The Townsman. John Day, 1945.
Buck, Pearl S. The Young Revolutionist. Friendship Press, 1932.
Buck, Pearl S. This Proud Heart. Reynal and Hitchcock, 1938.
Buck, Pearl S. Voices in the House. John Day, 1953.
Buck, Pearl S. Words of Love. John Day, 1974.
Buckingham, Willis J., editor. Emily Dickinson’s Reception in the 1890s: A Documentary History. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989.
Buckland, Gail. Fox Talbot and the Invention of Photography. Scolar Press, 1980.
Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of Civilization in England. J. W. Parker, 1861, 2 vols.
Buckle, Henry Thomas. The Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works of Henry Thomas Buckle. Editor Taylor, Helen, Longmans, Green, 1872, 3 vols.
Buckley, Cara. “Powerful Hollywood Women Unveil Anti-Harassment Action Plan”. The New York Times, 1 Jan. 2018.
Budd, Adam. “’Merit in Distress’: The Troubled Success of Mary Barber”. Review of English Studies, Vol.
, May 2002, pp. 204-27.
Bugg, Francis. Quakerism Expos’d. Printed for the author to be sold by J. Robinson and H. Rhodes , 1699.
Bugg, Francis. The Christian Ministry of the Church of England Vindicated from the Quakers. Printed for the author to be sold by J. Robinson and H. Rhodes , 1699.
Buhasz, Laszlo. “Notebook: Women’s Library to reopen in London”. The Globe and Mail, 1 Dec. 2001, p. T12.
Bukovsky, Vladimir. “Reception for delegates of the World Peace Parliament”. Soviet Archives: Soviet Communist Party (KPSS) and the World: KPSS and Peace Propaganda.
Bull, Angela. Noel Streatfeild: A Biography. Collins, 1984.
Bull, John, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 245. Gale Research, 2001.
Bulley, Amy A., and Margaret Whitley. Women’s Work. 1st ed., Metheun, 1894.
Bullock, Alan et al., editors. Fontana Biographical Companion to Modern Thought. Collins, 1983.
Bullock, William. Six Months’ Residence and Travels in Mexico. John Murray, 1824.
Bullough, Vern L. “Prostitution and Reform in Eighteenth-Century England”. Eighteenth-Century Life, Vol.
, No. 3, May 1985, pp. 61-74.
Bullough, Vern L. Science in the Bedroom: A History of Sex Research. Basic Books, 1994.
Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor. “Group Movements”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1677, 22 Mar. 1934, p. 204.
Bülow, Louis. “Joseph Mengele: The Angel of Death”. Mengele.
Bulstrode, Cicely, and Sir Thomas Overbury. “Newes of my Morning Worke”. A Wife Now The Widdow of Sir Thomas Overburye, Lawrence Lisle, 1614, p. H2v - H3.
Bunbury, Selina. A Visit to My Birthplace. Curry, 1821.
Bunbury, Selina. Coombe Abbey. William Curry, Junior and Company, 1843.
Bunbury, Selina. Coombe Abbey. H. Lea, 1844.
Bunbury, Selina. Early Recollections. A Tale. William Oliphant, 1825.