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Brophy, Brigid. Baroque-’n’-Roll. Hamish Hamilton, 1987.
Brophy, Brigid. Beardsley and His World. Thames and Hudson, 1976.
Brophy, Brigid. Black and White. Cape, 1968.
Brophy, Brigid. Black Ship to Hell. Secker and Warburg, 1962.
Brophy, Brigid. Don’t Never Forget. Cape, 1966.
Brophy, Brigid et al. Fifty Works of English and American Literature We Could Do Without. Rapp and Carroll, 1967.
Brophy, Brigid. Flesh. Secker and Warburg, 1962.
Brophy, Brigid. Hackenfeller’s Ape. Hart Davis, 1953.
Brophy, Brigid. In Transit. Macdonald, 1969.
Brophy, Brigid. Mozart the Dramatist. Faber and Faber, 1964.
Brophy, Brigid. Palace without Chairs. Hamish Hamilton, 1978.
Brophy, Brigid. Prancing Novelist. Macmillan, 1973.
Brophy, Brigid. Pussy Owl. BBC, 1976.
Brophy, Brigid. Reads. Penguin/Sphere, 1989.
Brophy, Brigid. Religious Education in State Schools. Fabian Society, 1967.
Brophy, Brigid. The Adventures of God in His Search for the Black Girl. Macmillan, 1973.
Brophy, Brigid. The Burglar. Cape, 1968.
Brophy, Brigid. The Crown Princess. Collins, 1953.
Brophy, Brigid. The Finishing Touch. Secker and Warburg, 1963.
Brophy, Brigid. The King of a Rainy Country. Secker and Warburg, 1956.
Brophy, Brigid. The King of a Rainy Country. Virago, 1990.
Brophy, Brigid. The Longford Threat to Freedom. National Secular Society, 1972.
Brophy, Brigid. The Prince and the Wild Geese. Hamish Hamilton, 1983.
Brophy, Brigid. The Snow Ball. Secker and Warburg, 1964.
Brophy, Brigid. “The Waste-Disposal Unit”. London Magazine, London Magazine.
Brosman, Catharine Savage, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 119. Gale Research, 1992.
Brosman, Catharine Savage. Simone de Beauvoir Revisited. Twayne, 1991.
Brothers, Barbara, and Julia Gergits, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 166. Gale Research, 1996.
Brothers, Barbara, and Julia Gergits, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 174. Gale Research, 1997.
Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron. A Concise Statement of the Question Regarding the Abolition of the Slave Trade. J. Hatchard, T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1804, http://Bodleian.
Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron. Albert Lunel; or, The Château of Languedoc. C. Knight, 1844, 3 vols.
Broughton, Ellie. “Encountering Literary Bots in the Wilds of Twitter”. Literary Hub, 2 Mar. 2017.
Broughton, Rhoda. "Good-bye, Sweetheart!". Richard Bentley, 1872, 3 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. A Beginner. B. Tauchnitz, 1894.
Broughton, Rhoda. A Beginner. Richard Bentley and Son, 1894.
Broughton, Rhoda, and Marie Belloc Lowndes. A Fool in Her Folly. Odhams, 1920.
Broughton, Rhoda. Belinda. Belford, Clarke, 1883.
Broughton, Rhoda. Belinda. Richard Bentley and Son, 1883, 3 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Cometh Up as a Flower. Richard Bentley, 1867, 2 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Dear Faustina. Richard Bentley and Son, 1897.
Broughton, Rhoda. Foes in Law. Macmillan, 1900.
Broughton, Rhoda. Mrs. Bligh. Richard Bentley and Son, 1892.
Broughton, Rhoda. Nancy. Richard Bentley and Son, 1873, 3 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Not Wisely, but Too Well. B. Tauchnitz, 1867, 2 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Not Wisely, but Too Well. Tinsley, 1867, 3 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Red as a Rose is She. Richard Bentley, 1870, 3 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Red as a Rose is She. D. Appleton, 1872.
Broughton, Rhoda. Second Thoughts. Richard Bentley and Son, 1880, 2 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Second Thoughts. Macmillan, 1899.
Broughton, Rhoda. The Devil and the Deep Sea. Macmillan, 1910.