
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Bowles, Caroline. Tales of the Factories. William Blackwood; T. Cadell, 1833.
Bowles, Caroline. The Birth-Day. W. Blackwood, 1836.
Bowles, Caroline, and George Cruikshank. The Cat’s Tail. Blackwood; T. Cadell, 1831.
Bowles, Caroline. “The Early Called”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, Jan.–Feb. 1835, pp. 82 - 94; 196.
Bowles, Caroline. “The Little Brook and the Star”. Literary Souvenir, 1828, pp. 289-04.
Bowles, Caroline. The Poetical Works of Caroline Bowles Southey. W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867, 4 vols.
Bowles, Caroline. The Select Literary Works, Prose and Verse, of Mrs. Caroline Southey. S. Andrus and Son, 1851.
Bowles, Caroline. The Widow’s Tale and Other Poems. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1822.
Bowles, Caroline. “The Young Grey Head”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, Feb. 1843, pp. 202-8.
Bowles, Caroline. “This Time Two Years”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, 1837, pp. 752-61.
Bowles, Caroline. “To the Author of ’The Shepherd’s Calendar’”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, June 1824, pp. 655-58.
Bowles, William Lisle. Fourteen Sonnets, Elegiac and Descriptive, written during a tour. Printed by R. Cruttwell, and sold by C. Dilly, London, 1789.
Bowyer, John Wilson. The Celebrated Mrs Centlivre. Duke University Press, 1952.
Box, Muriel. “Angels of War”. Five New Full-Length Plays for All Women Casts, edited by John Bourne and John Bourne, Lovat Dickinson and Thompson, 1935, pp. 7-74.
Box, Muriel. “Angels of War”. War Plays by Women: An International Anthology, edited by Claire M. Tylee et al., Routledge, 1999, pp. 115-39.
Box, Muriel, and Sydney Box. Forbidden Cargo. William Heinemann, 1957.
Box, Muriel, and Sydney Box. Ladies Only. George G. Harrap, 1934.
Box, Muriel. Odd Woman Out. Leslie Frewin, 1974.
Box, Muriel. Rebel Advocate. Victor Gollancz, 1983.
Box, Muriel. The Big Switch. Macdonald, 1964.
Box, Muriel, and Sydney Box. The Black-out Book. G. H. Harrap, 1939.
Box, Muriel. The Seventh Veil. Rylee, 1951.
Box, Muriel, editor. The Trial of Marie Stopes. Femina Books, 1967.
Box, Muriel, and Sydney Box. The Truth About Women. Frederick Muller, 1939.
Boycott, Rosie, and Marsha Rowe. “How we made: Spare Rib magazine”., 11 June 2018.
Boyd, Anne E. Writing for Immortality. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
Boyd, Danah, and Nicole B. Ellison. “Social Network Sites: Definition, History,and Scholarship”. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol.
, No. 1, International Communication Association, 2008, pp. 210-3.
Boyd, Elizabeth. Admiral Haddock. Sold by Elizabeth Boyd, 1740.
Boyd, Elizabeth. Altamira’s Ghost. Charles Corbett, 1744.
Boyd, Elizabeth. Don Sancho. Printed for the author, 1739.
Boyd, Elizabeth. The Happy-Unfortunate. Thomas Edlin, 1732.
Boyd, Elizabeth. The Humorous Miscellany. S. Slow, 1733.
Boyd, Elizabeth. The Snail. 1745.
Boyd, Elizabeth. The Vision; or, The Royal Mourners. 1737.
Boyd, Elizabeth. Truth. Printed and sold by the author, 1740.
Boyd, Elizabeth. Variety. T. Warner and B. Creake, 1727.
Boyd, Ernest. Ireland’s Literary Renaissance. Grant Richards, 1922.
Boyd, Melba Joyce. Discarded Legacy. Wayne State University Press, 1994.
Boyd, Michael. “History of the British School at Athens”. University of Glasgow: The British School at Athens: Introduction.
Boyd, Nancy. Josephine Butler, Octavia Hill, Florence Nightingale. Macmillan, 1982.
Boyd, S. J. “The Voice of Revelation: Liz Lochhead and Monsters”. Liz Lochhead’s Voices, edited by Robert Crawford and Anne Varty, Edinburgh University Press, 1993, pp. 38-56.
Boyd, William. “The Secret Persuaders”. The Guardian, 19 Aug. 2006, pp. Weekend 26 - 31.
Boyd, William. “Two Writers Haunted by Their Caribbean Past”. The New York Times, 22 June 2018.
Boyer, Abel. Letters of Wit, Politicks and Morality. J. Hartley, 1701.
Boylan, Henry, editor. A Dictionary of Irish Biography. Gill and Macmillan, 1978.
Boylan, Henry, editor. A Dictionary of Irish Biography. 2nd ed., St Martin’s Press, 1988.
Boyle, Andrew. An Index to the Annuals. Andrew Boyle, 1967.
Boyle, Mary. An Imperfect Narrative of the Gay Doings and Marvellous Festivities holden at Althorp in the County of Northants. 1857.
Boyle, Mary. Mary Boyle. Her Book. Editors Boyle, Sir Courtenay Edmund and Lady Muriel Sarah Boyle, John Murray, 1901.
Boyle, Mary. Mary Boyle. Her Book. Editor Boyle, Sir Courtenay Edmund, E. P. Dutton; John Murray, 1902.