Boulger, Dorothy. Pretty Miss Bellew. Beccles, 1875, 3 vols.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Bourke, Angela, editor. The Field Day Anthology of Irish Women’s Writing and Traditions. Cork University Press, 2002, 2 vols.
Bourke, Joanna. “1914: Carol Ann Duffy and Lavinia Greenlaw’s books on the outbreak of the First World War”. The Telegraph, 26 July 2014.
Bourne, H. R. Fox. English Newspapers. Russell and Russell, 1966, 2 vols.
Wilson, Harriette. “Editorial Materials”. The Blackmailing of the Chancellor, edited by Kenneth Bourne, Lemon Tree Press, 1975, p. Various pages.
Bourne, Stephen. “Introduction to Cambridge University Press”. Cambridge University Press: About the Press.
Bowcott, Owen. “Who are the judges who ruled that MPs should vote on Brexit?”., 3 Nov. 2016.
Bowden, Caroline, editor. English Convents in Exile, 1600-1800. Pickering and Chatto, 2012, 3 vols.
Bowden, Caroline. “Review of Susan E. James Kateryn Parr: The Making of a Queen 1999”. Womens Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, 2001, pp. 334-6. Bowden, Martha F. email about Mary Davys to Isobel Grundy.
Bowden, Martha F., and Mary Davys. “Introduction”. The Reform’d Coquet; or, Memoirs of Amoranda; Familiar Letters Betwixt a Gentleman and a Lady; and, The Accomplish’d Rake; or, Modern Fine Gentleman, University Press of Kentucky, 1999, p. ix - xlix.
Bowdler, Henrietta Maria. Creation. Cadell and Davies, 1818.
Bowdler, Henrietta Maria. Essay on the Proper Employment of Time. T. Cadell; W. Blackwood and Sons, 1836.
Bowdler, Henrietta Maria. Pen Tamar. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1830.
Bowdler, Henrietta Maria. Sermons on the Doctrines and Duties of Christianity. R. Cruttwell, 1801.
Bowdler, Jane. Poems and Essays. Editor Bowdler, Henrietta Maria, Published for the benefit of Bath General Hospital, 1786, 2 vols.
Bowdler, Thomas, the younger. Memoir of the Life of John Bowdler, Esq. A. and R. Spottiswoode, 1824.
Bowe, Nicola Gordon. “Constance and Maxwell Armfield: An American Interlude 1915-1922”. The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, Vol.
, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1989, pp. 6-27. Bowe, Nicola Gordon. “Damsels in a Wood, 1916”., Jan. 2007.
Bowen, Elizabeth. A Day in the Dark and Other Stories. Jonathan Cape.
Bowen, Elizabeth. A Time in Rome. Alfred A. Knopf.
Bowen, Elizabeth. A World of Love. Alfred A. Knopf.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Afterthought: Pieces about Writing. Longmans, 1962.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Ann Lee’s and Other Stories. Sidgwick and Jackson.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Anthony Trollope: A New Judgement. Oxford University Press, 1946.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Bowen’s Court. Longmans, Green.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Collected Impressions. Longmans, Green.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Encounters. Sidgwick and Jackson.
Bowen, Elizabeth. English Novelists. William Collins, 1942.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Eva Trout; or, Changing Scenes. Alfred A. Knopf.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Friends and Relations. Constable and Company.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Irish Stories. Poolbeg Press.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Joining Charles and Other Stories. Constable and Company.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Look at All Those Roses. Victor Gollancz.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Nativity Play: A Christmas Musical. Dramatic Publishing Company, 1974.
Bowen, Elizabeth. “Notes on Writing a Novel”. Orion: A Miscellany, edited by Rosamond Lehmann et al., Nicholson and Watson, 1945.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Pictures and Conversations. Alfred A. Knopf, 1975.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Selected Stories. Maurice Fridberg, 1946.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Seven Winters. The Cuala Press, 1942.
Bowen, Elizabeth. “The Art of Bergotte”. Marcel Proust, 1871-1922: A Centenary Volume, edited by Peter Quennell, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Cat Jumps and Other Stories. Victor Gollancz.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Collected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen. Alfred A. Knopf.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Death of the Heart. Victor Gollancz.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Demon Lover and Other Stories. Jonathan Cape.
Bowen, Elizabeth. “The Evolution of a Novelist”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2424, 17 July 1948, p. 395.
Bowen, Elizabeth, editor. The Faber Book of Modern Short Stories. Faber, 1937.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Good Tiger. Alfred A. Knopf.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Heat of the Day. Alfred A. Knopf.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Hotel. Constable and Company.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The House in Paris. Victor Gollancz.