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Blind, Mathilde. Madame Roland. W. H. Allen, 1886.
Blind, Mathilde. Poems by Claude Lake. Alfred W. Bennett, 1867.
Blind, Mathilde. Shakespeare Sonnets. De La More Press, 1902.
Blind, Mathilde. Shelley’s View of Nature contrasted with Darwin’s. Printed for private distribution, 1886.
Blind, Mathilde. Shelley. A Lecture. Taylor, 1870.
Blind, Mathilde. Songs and Sonnets. Chatto and Windus, 1893.
Blind, Mathilde. Tarantella. T. Fisher Unwin, 1885, 2 vols.
Blind, Mathilde. The Ascent of Man. Chatto and Windus, 1889.
Blind, Mathilde. The Heather on Fire. Walter Scott, 1886.
Bashkirtseva, Maria Konstantinovna. The Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff. Translator Blind, Mathilde, Cassell, 1890, 2 vols.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron. The Letters and Journals of Lord Byron. Editor Blind, Mathilde, W. Scott, 1886, http://Robarts - PR4381 A3B5 1886.
Strauss, David Friedrich. The Old Faith and the New. Translator Blind, Mathilde, Asher, 1873.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron. The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Editor Blind, Mathilde, Walter Scott, 1886, 2 vols.
Blind, Mathilde. The Poetical Works of Mathilde Blind. Editor Symons, Arthur, T. Fisher Unwin, 1900.
Blind, Mathilde. The Prophecy of Saint Oran. Newman, 1881.
Bliss, Arthur, and Frances Cornford. Two Nursery Rhymes. J. And W. Chester, 1921.
Carlyle, Jane Welsh. “Editorial Materials”. Jane Welsh Carlyle: A New Selection of Her Letters, edited by Trudy Bliss, Victor Gollancz, 1950, p. various pages.
Bloch, R. Howard. The Anonymous Marie de France. University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Block, David. Baseball Before We Knew It: A Search for the Roots of the Game. University of Nebraska Press, 2005.
Block, Marylaine. “Review of Secret for a Nightingale by Victoria Holt”. Library Journal, Vol.
, No. 13, 1 Aug. 1986, p. 170.
Block, Marylaine. “Review of The Road to Paradise Island by Victoria Holt”. Library Journal, Vol.
, No. 14, 1 Sept. 1985, p. 212.
Block, Marylaine. “Review of The Silk Vendetta by Victoria Holt”. Library Journal, Vol.
, No. 13, 1 Aug. 1987, p. 142.
Blomefield, Francis. “North Erpingham Hundred: An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk”. British History Online, Nov. 2013.
Blond, Anthony. “Introduction [to The Ha-Ha]”. They Made Their Name, Anthony Blond, 1968, p. 199.
Blondel, Nathalie, and Nathalie Blondel. “Foreword”. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life: A Biography, McPherson, 1998, p. xv - xix.
Blondel, Nathalie, and Mary Butts. “Introduction”. The Journals of Mary Butts, edited by Nathalie Blondel and Nathalie Blondel, Yale University Press, 2002, pp. 1-41.
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company, 1998.
Bloom, Abigail Burnham, editor. Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers. Greenwood Press, 2000.
Bloom, Archbishop Anthony. God and Man. Darton, Longman and Todd, 1971.
Bloom, Edward A., and Lillian D. Bloom, editors. “Introduction”. The Piozzi Letters: Correspondence of Hester Lynch Piozzi, 1784-1821 (formerly Mrs. Thrale), University of Delaware Press; Associated University Presses, 2002, pp. 1 (1784 - 1791): 15.
Bloom, Harold, editor. British Women Fiction Writers, 1900-1960. Vol. 1, Chelsea House, 1997, 2 vols.
Bloom, Harold, editor. Greek Drama. Chelsea House Publishers, 2004.
Bloomfield, Barry Cambray, and Edward Mendelson. W. H. Auden: A Bibliography 1924-1969. 2nd ed., University Press of Virginia, 1972.
Blouch, Christine. “Eliza Haywood and the Romance of Obscurity”. Studies in English Literature, Vol.
, 1 June 1991– 2025, pp. 535-52.
Blumhofer, Edith L. “From India’s Coral Strand: Pandita Ramabai and U. S. Support for Foreign Missions”. The Foreign Mission Enterprise at Home, edited by Daniel H. Bays and Grant Wacker, University of Alamaba Press, 2003, pp. 152-70.
Blunt, Alison. Travel, Gender, and Imperialism: Mary Kingsley and West Africa. Guilford Press, 1994.
Blunt, Reginald, and Elizabeth Montagu. Mrs Montagu, "Queen of the Blues", Her Letters and Friendships from 1762 to 1800. Constable, 1923, 2 vols.
Blunt, Wilfrid Jasper Walter. ’England’s Michelangelo’. H. Hamilton, 1975.
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. My Diaries. A. A. Knopf, 1922, 2 vols.
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, and Lady Margaret Sackville. “Preface”. Selected Poems, Constable, 1919, p. i - x.
Bly, Antonio T. “The ’Book’ in the Atlantic World”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 2001– 2025, pp. 638-41.
Blyth, Ian. “Simile and Similarity in Ali Smith’s ’Like’”. Ali Smith, edited by Monica Germanà and Emily Horton, Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 23-34.
Blyton, Enid, and Phyllis Chase. Child Whispers. J. Saville, 1922.
Blyton, Enid, editor. Enid Blyton’s Magazine.
Blyton, Enid, and Eileen A. Soper. Five on a Treasure Island. Hodder and Stoughton, 1942.
Blyton, Enid. Mr. Galliano’s Circus. George Newnes, 1938.
Blyton, Enid, and Eelco Martinus Harmsen Van Der Beek. Noddy Goes to Toyland. Sampson Low, Marston, 1949.
Blyton, Enid, editor. Sunny Stories for Little Folks. George Newnes.
Blyton, Enid. The Secret Island. Blackwell, 1938.
Blyton, Enid. The Story of My Life. Pitkin, 1952.