Alfred Noyes

Standard Name: Noyes, Alfred


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Rosamond Lehmann
Reviews were slow to appear, and according to RL 's brother John many of the early ones were lukewarm or even hostile.
Lehmann, John. In My Own Time. Little, Brown.
However, the poet Alfred Noyes (a friend of their father) ecstatically praised...
Textual Production Monica Dickens
The title comes from the landlord's blackeyed daughter in Alfred Noyes 's poem The Highwayman.
Dickens, Monica. An Open Book. Heinemann.
Travel Elizabeth Taylor
ET first visited Greece, on a cruise with her husband and daughter; her fellow travellers included Alfred Noyes and E. M. Forster .
Liddell, Robert, and Francis King. Elizabeth and Ivy. Peter Owen.


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