William Thomas Grey

Standard Name: Grey, William Thomas


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Emily Shirreff
William Grey , the girls' cousin and Maria's future husband, encouraged them to study philosophy, particularly the writings of Francis Bacon and John Locke . A cousin of their father, Sir William Hall Gage ...
Education Maria Grey
Both Maria and Emily were also independent learners, taking it upon themselves to study languages and the humanities. Encouraged by her cousin and future husband William Grey , Maria also applied herself to philosophy.
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.
Family and Intimate relationships Emily Shirreff
In 1841 ES 's sister Maria married William Grey . Given the sisters' close relationship, the marriage was difficult for Emily, and her health even deteriorated somewhat immediately following it. After a brief period, however...
Family and Intimate relationships Maria Grey
Maria Shirreff married her first cousin William Thomas Grey , a wine merchant and nephew of the second Earl Grey (Whig statesman and architect of the Reform Bill of 1832).
The parents of William Thomas...
Family and Intimate relationships Maria Grey
MG 's husband died after suffering a paralytic stroke.
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.
19, 21
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Family and Intimate relationships Maria Grey
Around 1859 William Grey began to suffer from illness. Over the next couple of years, his mind began gradually to deteriorate.
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.
19, 21
Residence Maria Grey
MG and her husband moved from Berkshire to her mother's home in Lowndes Square in London, where her sister Emily also lived.
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.
Travel Emily Shirreff
By 1847, ES was living in her mother 's home in Lowndes Square in London with her sister and brother-in-law .
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.


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