Horatio Francis Ninian Scott

Standard Name: Scott, Horatio Francis Ninian


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Family and Intimate relationships Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
At the age of thirty, Catharine Amy Dawson married Horatio Scott (whom she called Scottie), her long-time suitor.
Watts, Marjorie, and Frances King. Mrs. Sappho. Duckworth, 1987.
Family and Intimate relationships Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
After he returned from army service at the end of World War One, CADS and her husband separated and then divorced.
Watts, Marjorie, and Frances King. Mrs. Sappho. Duckworth, 1987.
Family and Intimate relationships Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
Catharine Amy Dawson first met her future husband, Horatio Francis Ninian Scott, at a tennis club in Sutton while visiting her parents. He was a general practitioner from an upper-class Anglo-Irish background, who later...
Textual Features Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
In this too the effect aimed at is light, charming, and comical, though the style, distancing the characters through superior irony, is sometimes self-consciously elaborate. The novel opens with the teenage Kitty's sufferings at a...
Textual Production Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
May Sinclair provided an introduction; those who communicated with CADS were H. F. N. Scott, Cornish writer Henry Dawson Lowry, preacher and politician George Dawson, and journalist W. T. Stead.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.


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