Lee Harvey Oswald

Standard Name: Oswald, Lee Harvey


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Theme or Topic Treated in Text Sybille Bedford
SB also reported on the State of Texas's prosecution of Jack Ruby for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald (1964), and that of twenty-two doctors and others who had worked at the Auschwitz prison...
Travel Sybille Bedford
Apart from the obscenity trial of Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover (which opened in London on 21 October 1960), SB attended the trials at Frankfurt in 1963-5 of personnel from the Auschwitz prison camp (a...


14 March 1964: Jack Ruby was convicted in Dallas, Texas,...

Writing climate item

14 March 1964

Jack Ruby was convicted in Dallas, Texas, for shooting and killing Lee Harvey Oswald on 24 November 1963, two days after Oswald was arrested for the murder of President John F. Kennedy.
Perez, Joan Jenkins. “Ruby, Jack”. Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) at the University of Texas at Austin: The Handbook of Texas Online.


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