G. Richard Mitchison

Standard Name: Mitchison, G. Richard
Used Form: Dick Mitchison


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Family and Intimate relationships Naomi Mitchison
Naomi Haldane married Dick Mitchison , who was at this date an army officer, later a barrister and later still a Labour MP.
Mitchison, Naomi. All Change Here: Girlhood and Marriage. Bodley Head.
Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora.
27-9, 159
Family and Intimate relationships Naomi Mitchison
NM and her husband decided to take lovers, in trust and respect for each other and with full commitment to their marriage and their family.
Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora.
Material Conditions of Writing Naomi Mitchison
NM kept a diary, written in pencil on a flimsy block of paper,
Mitchison, Naomi. All Change Here: Girlhood and Marriage. Bodley Head.
when she travelled with her father-in-law to Le Tréport to be with her soldier husband , who had suffered a dangerous...
politics Naomi Mitchison
NM and her husband joined the Labour party, and she became a committed socialist Labourite.
Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora.
Textual Features Naomi Mitchison
NM recorded in her diary the experience of the Labour election victory at Kettering in Yorkshire, where her husband was elected.
Mitchison, Naomi. Among You Taking Notes . . . The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945. Editor Sheridan, Dorothy, Oxford University Press.
Textual Production Naomi Mitchison
NM 's well-known contributors included Dick Mitchison , John Pilley , Margaret Cole , and W. H. Auden . The project was born during the run-up to the 1931 election.
Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora.
Mitchison, Naomi. You May Well Ask: A Memoir 1920-1940. Gollancz.


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