The title-page (like several earlier ones of BH
) quotes Shakespeare
. The novel opens in 1726, with Catherine the first
holding court in Russia after Peter the Great
's death. She had come to...
Literary Setting
Mary Ann Cavendish Bradshaw
This second novel, prefaced by a long quotation from Voltaire
, opens in the reign of Peter the Great
and takes place in Russia. The hero is Ferdinand Beleski, who at the end marries...
Textual Features
Ella Baker
Many of the stories cover well-known ground. The Geese of Rome are the ones that saved the Capitol from surprise attack by gabbling; The Noblest of the Romans is Cincinnatus
laying down the reins of...
Textual Features
Georgiana Fullerton
Too Strange Not to Be True begins in Louisiana, along the banks of the Mississippi River (where monkeys grinned and chattered amongst the branches
Fullerton, Georgiana. Too Strange Not to Be True. R. Bentley, 1864.
1: 44
—a zoological mislocation which critics would later pick...
Textual Production
Mary Ann Cavendish Bradshaw
It appeared in two volumes from Tippet
. Its full title is Ferdinand and Ordella, A Russian Story: with authentic anecdotes of the Russian Court after the demise of Peter the Great. The title-page...
27 May 1703: Peter the Great founded a fortress at a site...
National or international item
27 May 1703
Peter the Great
founded a fortress at a site on the Baltic Sea chosen for its strategic importance. This grew into the city of St Petersburg (called not after the tsar but after Saints Peter...