Linda Gray Sexton

Standard Name: Sexton, Linda Gray


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Anne Sexton
AS felt pressed for money as she was writing these poetic narratives, thinking about the looming burden of college bills for her elder daughter. She worked on this book in conjunction with the next two...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Sexton
AS bore her elder daughter, Linda Gray Sexton , in Boston while her husband was on his way home from the Korean War.
Middlebrook, Diane Wood. Anne Sexton: A Biography. Houghton Mifflin.
Reception Anne Sexton
The book, published seventeen years after AS 's suicide, traces her tumultuous life and career in detail. Though generally praised as thorough and balanced, it did not appear without controversy, since much of the material...
Textual Production Anne Sexton
The first poetry volume by AS to appear posthumously, The Awful Rowing Toward God, was edited by her daughter Linda .
Oates, Joyce Carol. “Singing the pathologies of our time”. The New York Times Book Review.
Textual Production Anne Sexton
A poetry volume by AS entitled 45 Mercy Street was posthumously edited and published by her daughter Linda ; it includes her play Mercy Street.
Sexton, Anne. A Self-Portrait in Letters. Editors Sexton, Linda Gray and Lois Ames, Houghton Mifflin.
Textual Production Anne Sexton
AS was an exceptional correspondent who wrote long letters every day. A selection was edited in 1977 by Linda Gray Sexton (her elder daughter) and Lois Ames (her friend), titled A Self-Portrait in Letters.
Sexton, Anne. A Self-Portrait in Letters. Editors Sexton, Linda Gray and Lois Ames, Houghton Mifflin.


No timeline events available.


Sexton, Anne. A Self-Portrait in Letters. Editors Sexton, Linda Gray and Lois Ames, Houghton Mifflin, 1977.