Lois Ames

Standard Name: Ames, Lois


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Anne Sexton
AS made many friends among her fellow poets: Kumin , Soter , William DeWitt Snodgrass , Sylvia Plath (whose death affected her deeply), George Starbuck and James Wright (who were also her lovers), and Anthony Hecht
Textual Production Anne Sexton
AS was an exceptional correspondent who wrote long letters every day. A selection was edited in 1977 by Linda Gray Sexton (her elder daughter) and Lois Ames (her friend), titled A Self-Portrait in Letters.
Sexton, Anne. A Self-Portrait in Letters. Editors Sexton, Linda Gray and Lois Ames, Houghton Mifflin.


No timeline events available.


Sexton, Anne. A Self-Portrait in Letters. Editors Sexton, Linda Gray and Lois Ames, Houghton Mifflin, 1977.