William Maxwell fifth Earl of Nithsdale

Standard Name: Nithsdale, William Maxwell,,, fifth Earl of


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Lord Nithsdale , husband of WMCN , was at first reluctant to join the badly planned and executed Jacobite rebellion of Lord Mar , which began when Mar raised his standard on 6 September 1715...
Family and Intimate relationships Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
William Nithsdale 's financial troubles became ever more desperate as the years went by. He touched his wife's friends for money behind her back, sent begging letters which still survive, and when he had cash...
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Lucy Herbert
Mother Teresa Joseph (LLH ) was visited at her Brugesconvent by her sister Lady Nithsdale , in shaken health after her successful rescue of her husband from the Tower of London and her...
Family and Intimate relationships Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Lady Winifred Herbert married the Scottish peer William Maxwell, Earl of Nithsdale , a fellow Catholic and Jacobite, four years younger than she was.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under William Maxwell
Maxwell Stuart, Flora. Lady Nithsdale and the Jacobites. Traquair House, 1995.
Family and Intimate relationships Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
William, Lord Nithsdale (husband of WMCN ), died in Rome.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under William Maxwell
Tayler, Henrietta. Lady Nithsdale and her Family. Lindsay Drummond, Apr. 1939.
Occupation Lady Eleanor Butler
In addition to their better-known activities, the women became antiquarians with a particular interest in women's writing. They copied early texts by women, like Ann Fanshawe 's still unpublished Memoirs. Henrietta Maria Bowdler sent...
Other Life Event Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
The night before her husband was due to be executed for treason, Winifred, Lady Nithsdale , put into effect her daring, risky, but carefully planned scheme for securing his escape from the impregnable Tower of...
politics Mary Countess Cowper
Though she was, against the traditions of her birth family, whole-heartedly a Whig and anti-Jacobite, MCC was troubled by the execution of the rebel lords after the 1715 rebellion. Of Lord Nithsdale 's escape from...
Publishing Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Winifred Nithsdale 's famous letter reached print at Durham a century after the events it relates, as Genuine Account of the Escape of Lord Nithsdale : printed from the original letter.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Textual Features Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Lady Nithsdale's letters from exile are largely a catalogue of problems, though presented always with courage and spirit. She tells her confidante how she strives to influence the actions of her husband (whose behaviour is...
Textual Production John Buchan
His later biographies include Sir Walter Scott, 1932, and Oliver Cromwell, 1934. His later essay collections include A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys, 1922 (which relates among other things the story...
Textual Production Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
At the urging of her sister the prioress , WMCN wrote out her story of rescuing her husband (the full relation of what you desired). She provided no date, but an adapted copy...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Of her difficulty in persuading her husband into woman's clothes she writes: However God Almighty helpt me in that also when the time came.
Fraser, Sir William, editor. The Book of Carlaverock. Privately printed for William lord Herries, 1873, 2 vols.
2: 224
Having told her plan to her accomplices, she never...
Violence Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Catholic priests were banned from Britain; it was assumed that any Jesuit would be spying for a foreign power. Legal proceedings followed against William Lord Nithsdale for harbouring priests. He was acquitted of the charge...


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