An important early friend of FPC
was Harriet St Leger
, a bluestocking who dressed in masculine fashion and lived intimately with her friend Dorothy Wilson
and novelist Felicia Skene
were lifelong friends...
Friends, Associates
Frances Power Cobbe
Sometime in the later 1840s or early 1850s FPC
gave a lunch party for her neighbour Harriet St Leger
, and a friend of St Leger's, Fanny Kemble
. Although the lunch went poorly, Kemble...
Friends, Associates
Fanny Kemble
Sixteen-year-old FK
met thirty-year-old Harriet St Leger
, and a life-long friendship and correspondence ensued.
Marshall, Dorothy. Fanny Kemble. Weidenfeld and Nicholson.
Clinton, Catherine. Fanny Kemble’s Civil Wars. Simon and Schuster.
Textual Production
Fanny Kemble
By 1874 FK
was at work on her memoirs each evening, culling material from her diaries and from letters to Harriet St Leger
. The reminiscences appeared from 1875 in magazines like the Atlantic Monthly...
Textual Production
Fanny Kemble
She had early set her sights on becoming an author. She wrote to her correspondent Harriet St Leger
in February 1828 that her writing showed a clever performance for so young a person, but nothing...