The BA course lasted for three years, but MJ
stayed on for a fourth year, probably because of interruptions from ill health. At Somerville she formed friendships with Charis Barnett, later Frankenburg
(whose autobiography, Not...
Literary responses
Naomi Mitchison
A newspaper review mentions an enthusiastic ovation
Squier, Susan M., and Naomi Mitchison. “Naomi Mitchison: The Feminist Art of Making Things Difficult”. Solution Three, Feminist Press at The City University of New York, pp. 161-83.
from the audience, but some members objected to the unladylike subject-matter.
Squier, Susan M., and Naomi Mitchison. “Naomi Mitchison: The Feminist Art of Making Things Difficult”. Solution Three, Feminist Press at The City University of New York, pp. 161-83.
One later-distinguished Oxonian (Margaret Chubb, later Pyke
) reported it to another (Charis Barnett, later Frankenburg
Berta Ruck
Charis Frankenburg
(formerly Barnett) later recalled how as a child she was allowed on train journeys (though not at other times) to read the twopenny âHome Chat, with stories by Berta Ruck.
Frankenburg, Charis. Not Old, Madam, Vintage. An Autobiography. Galaxy Books.
Textual Production
Lady Cynthia Asquith
She wrote in bed in the mornings, completing 50,000 words in three months and finding that she had never been so happy.
The work sold about 4,000 copies in Britain and America, and...
Textual Production
Cicely Hamilton
was a popular lecturer. In February 1914 she spoke at a Women's Inter-College Debate at Oxford
to support the motion that the reluctance of the modern woman to marry is a benefit to Society...
No timeline events available.
Frankenburg, Charis. Not Old, Madam, Vintage. An Autobiography. Galaxy Books, 1975.