Starting out from Wallace's poems about lost love, her biographer speculates as to the possible identity of such a person, if this was an actual man. She suggests, hesitantly, either the man Wallace was in...
Doreen Wallace
DW was a committee member of the new association, for which her activities included (with A. G. Mobbs, the association's Chairman) collecting donations on the street to compensate a widow whose crops had been...
Textual Production
Doreen Wallace
DW campaigned against the system of tithe payments during the 1930s in many newspaper and magazine articles and in speeches at public occasions. Her long-time reviewing of books for The Times came to an end...
Wealth and Poverty
Doreen Wallace
Huge crowds attended the put-up job, as DW called it,
Shepherd, June. Doreen Wallace, 1897-1989: Writer and Social Campaigner. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
of the auction of her goods at Wortham Manor following her bankruptcy: every item (including car, bedding, and typewriter) was bought by A. G. Mobbs