Maria Huxley

Standard Name: Huxley, Maria


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Aldous Huxley
AH married Maria Nys in Belgium. None of his family attended the wedding.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Bedford, Sybille. Aldous Huxley. Knopf; Harper & Row.
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
By 1919 ES was also friendly with Arnold Bennett and his wife Marguerite . Wyndham Lewis became a great friend, did many drawings of her, and demonstrated a sexual interest in her as well, which...
Friends, Associates Sybille Bedford
Introduced to Aldous Huxley and his wife Maria by the South African poet Roy Campbell while at Sanary, the young SB became their intimate friend.
Bedford, Sybille. Quicksands. Counterpoint.
She was later embarrassed by her earlier admiration for...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Brett
Whilst at Garsington, Brett also developed close friendships with Aldous Huxley and his future wife Maria Nys (she was said to have provided the basis for Jenny Mullion in Huxley's first novel, Crome Yellow...
Material Conditions of Writing Aldous Huxley
Island, the final novel by AH (begun after the death of his first wife, Maria ), appeared. It is adjudged by literary historian John Sutherland an inferior work.
Sutherland, John. “Was Ma Hump to blame?”. London Review of Books, pp. 32-5.
Putt, S. Gorley. “What All the Fuss is About”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3135, p. 213.
politics Lady Ottoline Morrell
She became an activist for pacifism, a movement in which she played many roles. She joined the Union for Democratic Control , whose meetings were soon being held at her home (and whose members included...
politics Sybille Bedford
At this time, with a German passport near its expiry date and an application for French citizenship which had so far gone nowhere, she attracted the attention of the Nazi authorities not only by expressing...
politics Sybille Bedford
The Huxleys and an un-named barrister friend produced a man sympathetic to political refugees and willing to marry her for money: Terry Bedford. The couple met for the first time at the Albany in Piccadilly...
Publishing Sybille Bedford
She mentions a total of three novels finished, typed, re-typed (by myself), sent the round of publishers in London and New York . . . rejected. Rightly. They were not good enough. For me it...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Sybille Bedford
This book, both scholarly and immediate, draws on first-hand memory and on private letters and journals as well as those that are publicly accessible. The first volume reaches to the publication of Eyeless in Gaza...


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