Clive de Pass

Standard Name: de Pass, Clive


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Dedications Beryl Bainbridge
BB published another novel, Sweet William (dedicated to Johnny Boots, a nickname for a new boyfriend called Clive de Pass ), whose protagonist succumbs to love for a promiscuous charmer.
British Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online.
King, Brendan. Beryl Bainbridge. Bloomsbury .
Family and Intimate relationships Beryl Bainbridge
This relationship was followed during the 1970s by one which lasted for several years with solicitor Clive de Pass (Johnny Boots).
King, Brendan. Beryl Bainbridge. Bloomsbury .
363-5, 378
Family and Intimate relationships Beryl Bainbridge
After BB 's affair with Clive de Pass ended, she allowed herself to become emotionally entangled with Colin Haycraft , her publisher at Duckworth.
King, Brendan. Beryl Bainbridge. Bloomsbury .
This love-affair ran concurrently with her professional relationships with both...


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