Jane Oakwood says (presumably standing in for her author, as she often does) that in youth she was accused of imitating Juliet, Lady Catesby (Frances Brooke
's translation from Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni
The Maniac deals with the effects of the Irish Rebellion. The narrator, Albert, has gone mad after returning home to find his house sacked and wife and children murdered. His sister, Emma, also dies and...
Ann Thicknesse
While the title-page says Volume the First, the dedication to Richard Graves
(a neighbour near Bath) hopes he will enjoy this second volume because he enjoyed the first.
Thicknesse, Ann. Sketches of the Lives and Writings of the Ladies of France. J. Dodsley, E. and C. Dilly, R. Cruttwell, and T. Shrimpton, 1778.
titlepage, iii
Elizabeth Carter is replaced...
Frances Brooke
David Garrick
emphatically warned Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni
against using FB
as a translator again in the future.
Garrick, David. Letters. Editors Little, David M. and George M. Kahrl, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963, 3 vols.
Textual Production
Mary Collyer
Marivaux' full title, La vie de Marianne; ou, Les aventures de Madame la Comtesse de*****, suggests a story from actual life. MC
wrote most of her version before 1741 (very soon after the French...
Textual Production
Frances Brooke
published her translation, made in 1759, of Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni
's sentimental novel Letters from Juliet, Lady Catesby, to Her Friend, Lady Henrietta Campley.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
9 (1760): 420
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Julia Kavanagh
In her preface JK
explains her interest in the rise of the novel and argues that novels have become the teachers for good or for evil of many; their power can be exalted or deplored—it...
No timeline events available.
Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne. Letters from Juliet, Lady Catesby, to Her Friend, Lady Henrietta Campley. Translator Brooke, Frances, R. and J. Dodsley, 1760.