John Hampden

Standard Name: Hampden, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Harriet Taylor
HT 's reviews include an appraisal of Sarah Austin 's translation Tour of a German Prince, which appeared in May 1832.
Taylor, Harriet. The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill. Editors Jacobs, Jo Ellen and Paula Harms Payne, Indiana University Press.
Hayek, Friedrich Augustus von et al. John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor; Their Correspondence [i.e. Friendship] and Subsequent Marriage. University of Chicago Press.
A harsh review of Frances Trollope 's Domestic Manners of the...
Publishing Henrietta Euphemia Tindal
HET contributed to Once a Week an article about the seventeenth-century patriot John Hampden and his local associations in the Chilterns.
Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia. “Notes Taken at Hampden Concerning the Greatest Squire of that Ilk”. Once a Week, Vol.
, No. 64, pp. 64-9.
Residence Edna Lyall
EL moved from Lincoln to Eastbourne in 1884
Escreet, J. M. The Life of Edna Lyall. Longmans, Green and Co.
with her sister and her brother-in-law the Rev. Hampden Jameson . Their house in College Road, Eastbourne, was a picturesque gabled, red-tiled house, covered with...
Textual Features Edna Lyall
This tale of the English Civil War (set in seventeenth-century Lincoln) is related from the parliamentary point of view. EL presents the amusing Original Sin Smith in such a way as to highlight her...
Textual Features Edna Lyall
This is another English Civil War story, in which imaginary characters (a pair of courting lovers, a villain, the noble-hearted Charlotte who is based on EL 's nurse during her childhood, and Joscelyn Heyworth and...


12 June 1638: By the thinnest margin of 7-5, the Court...

National or international item

12 June 1638

By the thinnest margin of 7-5, the Court of the Exchequer ruled in favour of King Charles I and against John Hampden on the latter's defiant refusal to pay ship-money, establishing one of the most...

4 January 1642: Charles I entered the House of Commons with...

National or international item

4 January 1642

Charles I entered the House of Commons with the intention of arresting the five men he regarded as opposition ringleaders, including Pym and Hampden ; the result was a public-relations defeat for the monarchy.


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