Philip Youngman Carter

Standard Name: Carter, Philip Youngman
Used Form: Philip (Pip) Youngman Carter
Used Form: Pip Carter


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Margery Allingham
The teenage MA first met Philip (Pip) Youngman Carter , a connection of her family by marriage and a fellow-student at the Regent Street Polytechnic .
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
Family and Intimate relationships Margery Allingham
Pip Carter first proposed to MA , whom he was eventually to marry.
Thorogood, Julia. Margery Allingham: A Biography. Heinmann, 1991.
Family and Intimate relationships Margery Allingham
MA and her future husband, Pip Carter , got engaged: he is a worthy young man and not at all likely to beat me
qtd. in
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
was her flippant comment to a friend.
Thorogood, Julia. Margery Allingham: A Biography. Heinmann, 1991.
114, 116
Family and Intimate relationships Margery Allingham
MA married Pip Carter at St Giles-in-the-Fields church in London.
Thorogood, Julia. Margery Allingham: A Biography. Heinmann, 1991.
Family and Intimate relationships Margery Allingham
MA 's husband joined the Royal Army Service Corps and left home: he was posted to North Africa.
Thorogood, Julia. Margery Allingham: A Biography. Heinmann, 1991.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
Family and Intimate relationships Margery Allingham
Cryptic remarks in MA 's diary suggest that she learned of her husband 's affair with another woman, and that despite the shock she found the knowledge a relief compared with her earlier suspicion.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
Intertextuality and Influence Margery Allingham
The idea for this character shift came from her US publishers, Doubleday Doran . But the book was more fundamentally and crucially influenced by the collaboration of MA 's husband Pip Carter . She always...
Material Conditions of Writing Margery Allingham
She spent three months this year planning the novel with her husband at her parents' current home, the Dairy House at Shelley near Ipswich, on the Essex-Suffolk border.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
She then wrote...
Material Conditions of Writing Margery Allingham
MA 's phenomenal productivity was furthered by her having a team of helpers at hand. She regularly used the word we in speaking of composition.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
A remarkable feature of her career was the credit...
Publishing Margery Allingham
It was rejected for serialisation by the Saturday Evening Post, and kept hanging by the English Woman's Journal, but then MA 's husband sold it to John Bull for a princely 1,500 guineas.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
Reception Margery Allingham
MA 's husband published memoirs of her in 1982. She was a perceptive commentator on her own aims and techniques. I am by nature an intuitive writer, she wrote, whose intellect trots along behind, tidying...
Residence Margery Allingham
MA , her husband Pip Carter , and their friend Grog , moved into Viaduct Farm at Chappel in Suffolk, near her parents' house at Shelley.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
Residence Margery Allingham
MA , her husband Pip Carter , and their entourage, moved to the elegant Georgian D'Arcy House in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex, formerly the home of her parents' friend Dr John Henry Salter .
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.
Textual Features Margery Allingham
Campion later developed more complexity and depth—partly as a result of war experiences—and became a professional detective. But he remained unhardened, an anomaly in his profession, in something the manner of the later Inspector Alleyn...
Textual Production Margery Allingham
On this book her husband helped her with correcting and revising as of old.
Martin, Richard, 1934 -. Ink in Her Blood: The Life and Crime Fiction of Margery Allingham. UMI Research Press, 1988.


No timeline events available.


Allingham, Margery, and Philip Youngman Carter. Cargo of Eagles. Chatto and Windus, 1968.