The essay contributes, as critic Laurel Brake
has argued, to a continuing debate over gender both within the progressive Westminster itself and in mid-Victorian culture more broadly.
Brake, Laurel. Print in Transition. Palgrave, 2001.
89, passim
This piece has almost nothing to...
Walter Pater
While at Brasenose
, he wrote three anonymous essays for the Westminster Review: Coleridge
's Writings, Winckelmann, and The Poetry of William Morris. All three were attacked, says scholar Laurel Brake
No timeline events available.
Brake, Laurel, and Marysa Demoor, editors. Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism In Great Britain and Ireland. Academia Press, 2009.
Brake, Laurel. Print in Transition. Palgrave, 2001.
Brake, Laurel. Subjugated Knowledges. Macmillan; New York University Press, 1994.
Brake, Laurel. Walter Pater. Northcote House, 1994.