Elizabeth Farren

Standard Name: Farren, Elizabeth


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Damer
The somewhat hostile witness Hester Piozzi alleged that AD (whom she called much suspected for liking her own Sex in a criminal way) was engaged in an affair with the leading actress Elizabeth Farren .
Piozzi, Hester Lynch. Thraliana. Editor Balderston, Katharine, Clarendon.
2: 770
Occupation Anne Damer
AD was not only a diarist, novelist, and amateur actress: she became, from the 1780s, a successful and even famous sculptor. Andrew Elfenbein notes the application to her of such terms as female genius and...
Occupation Leah Sumbel
Theatre historian James Boaden relates an anecdote about how once a female colleague known for sexual intrigues wished to share Wells's dressing-room; Wells thought Topham would not like this association, and moved out to take...


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