Well before her move to London, while she was still a girl, Matilda Betham began to attract the attention of patrons. She was a guest in the houses both of Sir Charles and Lady Boughton or Rouse Boughton
Mary Matilda Betham
She had been bargaining with a publisher in December 1803 about this volume of poems, as well as her biographical dictionary of women. At this stage Lady Boughton's husband, Sir Charles had advised her not...
Textual Production
Mary Matilda Betham
MMB wrote an epitaph for Sir Charles Rouse Boughton which reached print.
Betham, Mary Matilda. “Preface”. Crow-Quill Flights.
A bookseller's catalogue (Pickering and Chatto 701), apparently on the evidence of a manuscript note in a copy of her Poems...