Jane Jordan

Standard Name: Jordan, Jane


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Health Josephine Butler
In 1857 the Butler family decided to move house. This decision was partly based on the advice of JB 's doctor, who suggested that Oxford's damp climate was detrimental to her health.
Butler, Arthur Stanley George. Portrait of Josephine Butler. Faber and Faber.
Her biographer...
Health Josephine Butler
According to biographer Jane Jordan , she sporadically lost her senses of sight and hearing, and suffered from palpitations.
Jordan, Jane. Josephine Butler. John Murray.
JB recalled, six years of work, and more especially the winter months spent in very...
Leisure and Society Ouida
William Tinsley , publisher of Ouida 's first novel, Held in Bondage, recalls her having said one evening, gentlemen, suppose my mother and myself are out of the room. Seat yourselves; smoke and drink...
Literary responses Josephine Butler
Jordan writes that this pamphlet demonstrates JB 's formidable powers as a researcher and her skills as a political polemicist.
Jordan, Jane. Josephine Butler. John Murray.
Literary responses Josephine Butler
Catharine of Siena was well received. Perhaps not surprisingly, it was praised by Gladstone.
Kelly, Gary, and Edd Applegate, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 190. Gale Research.
190: 69
Stuart, James et al. “Preface and Editorial Materials”. Josephine E. Butler: An Autobiographical Memoir, edited by George W. Johnson and Lucy A. Johnson, J. W. Arrowsmith, p. v - vii; various pages.
Jane Jordan finds it so characteristically well researched that she is surprised JB could find time to produce it.
Jordan, Jane. Josephine Butler. John Murray.
Publishing Ouida
Ouida was an indefatigable writer of letters to The Times, and the same paper occasionally printed her poetry. In September 1882 appeared a piece of imperialist blank verse which portrays Great England as an...
Residence Ouida
Ouida and her maid were then reputedly placed in a dogcart and sent eighteen miles in the middle of the night from Sant'Alessio to Viareggio, where Ouida collapsed in the Hotel de Russie ...
Textual Features Ouida
Like that of her first novel, the plot of Strathmore revolves around what critic Jane Jordan calls military life and comradely maleness.
Jordan, Jane. “Ouida: The Enigma of a Literary Identity”. Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 75-105.
Textual Features Josephine Butler
JB addresses mothers, and . . . all women who have the heart of a mother within them.
Butler, Josephine. “A Letter to the Mothers of England”. The Campaigners: Women and Sexuality, edited by Marie Mulvey Roberts and Tamae Mizuta, Routledge/Thoemmes Press.
She is, according to Jane Jordan , uncharacteristically sensational . . . listing case after case...
Textual Production Josephine Butler
It was intended to provide information about progress on an international scale about the campaign for women's education. Biographer Jane Jordan notes that Elizabeth Wolstenholme and Jessie Boucherett backed Josephine with articles for the first...
Violence Ouida
Ouida wrote to her friend W. S. Blunt expressing fear for her life; biographer Jane Jordan thinks this fear related to problems with her tenancy.
Jordan, Jane. “Ouida: The Enigma of a Literary Identity”. Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 75-105.
Wealth and Poverty Ouida
Neighbours thought Ouida 's behaviour in this regard strange; but critic Jane Jordan suggests that the unorthodox gap between death and burial was most likely due to her inability to pay for a proper funeral...


No timeline events available.


Jordan, Jane. Josephine Butler. John Murray, 2001.
Jordan, Jane. “Ouida: The Enigma of a Literary Identity”. Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 75-105.