As soon as war was declared EL
's son Oliver Lyttelton
volunteered for service. He served in France for most of the war, attaining the rank of captain. In April 1918 he was demobilized after...
Family and Intimate relationships
Edith Lyttelton
had a close relationship with her son Oliver
, who consulted with her on every aspect of life, every detail of [his] career
Chandos, Oliver Lyttelton, first Viscount. The Memoirs of Lord Chandos. Bodley Head, 1962.
after his father died. He went on to become a...
Family and Intimate relationships
Edith Lyttelton
After EL
's death, Oliver Lyttelton
carried on his mother's work for the National Theatre
as an act of filial piety,
Chandos, Oliver Lyttelton, first Viscount. The Memoirs of Lord Chandos. Bodley Head, 1962.
eventually assuming the role of Chairman of the Board in 1962 and Life...
Literary responses
Edith Lyttelton
's son, Oliver Lyttelton
, described this book in his memoirs as a serious and respected contribution to the subject.
Chandos, Oliver Lyttelton, first Viscount. The Memoirs of Lord Chandos. Bodley Head, 1962.