Julian of Norwich
may have been a learned woman; but if so it is not clear who taught her. She seems to have had a reading knowledge of Latin, and to have known the work...
Elizabeth Elstob
The single homily appeared as a costly production, with a two-colour title-page, commissioned illustrations, and specially designed type to encompass the several languages necessary. The original Old English and Elstob's translation appear on facing pages...
Textual Production
Elizabeth Elstob
Its full title is An English-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory
, Anciently used in the English-Saxon Church. Giving an Account of the Conversion of the English from Paganism to Christianity. It...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Elizabeth Elstob
's dedication to Queen Anne
asserts her awareness of being a female pioneer. Another part of her paratext, the preface, defends women's learning and defies both those who set up for Censurers and those...