Graham Lord

Standard Name: Lord, Graham


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Literary responses Penelope Mortimer
The Times judged this novel to be implausible, and its publisher, Michael Joseph , thought it too cynical and gloomy—yet precisely this black view of marriage made it a success with women in its...
Literary responses Penelope Mortimer
Graham Lord calls the piece about her father cold and unloving.
Lord, Graham. John Mortimer, The Devil’s Advocate. The Unauthorised Biography. Orion.
Literary responses Penelope Mortimer
This plot, while anything but in tune with contemporary feminist demands for the sexual liberation of women, struck a chord with readers who felt the maternal role to be devalued in modern life by feminists...
Literary responses Penelope Mortimer
It won the Whitbread Prize.
Gordon, Giles. “Obituary: Penelope Mortimer”. Guardian Weekly, p. 26.
Bernice Rubens found this book deeply impressive, especially the way that Mortimer portrays her unloving parents with understanding and even affection.
Rubens, Bernice. When I Grow Up. Time Warner Books.
Graham Lord calls it devastatingly honest.
Lord, Graham. John Mortimer, The Devil’s Advocate. The Unauthorised Biography. Orion.


No timeline events available.


Lord, Graham. John Mortimer, The Devil’s Advocate. The Unauthorised Biography. Orion, 2005.