Beatrice Braithwaite Batty

Standard Name: Batty, Beatrice Braithwaite


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Anne Manning
Among her friends was fellow-writer Beatrice Braithwaite Batty, who published posthumous reminiscences of her in the Englishwoman's Review in February 1880. Charlotte Yonge, who praises Manning's qualities as a friend and a letter-writer...
Health Anne Manning
Charlotte Yonge says that her health began to fail in 1854. This seems an improbably early date, since she continued for almost two more decades to produce on average more than a book a year....
Author summary Anne Manning
AM published, from mid-nineteenth century onwards, over fifty titles. She is most famous for her historical novels, some of them issued as a pastiche of documents centuries old. She also wrote a series of novels...
Textual Production Anne Manning
In 1861 came both The Cottage History of England and Family Pictures, which contains reminiscences from life. She wrote another volume of biography in Heroes of the Desert, The Story of the Lives and...


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